
If trampoline is an Olympic sport, why isn't jump roping or dodgeball an Olympic sport?

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If trampoline is an Olympic sport, why isn't jump roping or dodgeball an Olympic sport?




  1. double dutch used to be in the olympics but was taken out due to very little fans and many ppl can do it with ease

  2. i would rather watch inesse girls jump rope

  3. or who can spit the farest lol lMAO

  4. Because it takes tremendous skill, form, muscle strength, and athletic ability to do the trampoline the way these gymnast do.

  5. As far as I'm concerned, they can get rid of Team Handball (which looks like soccer but you can use your hands) and replace it with Dodgeball. Yeah!!!

    And get rid of Synchronized Swimming and replace it with Arm-Wrestling. Double-Yeah!!!

    And the horseback Dressage stuff? Good Heavens. How about Bucking Broncos instead?

    And that Ping-Pong? Sure, it was fast, but how about using a BIG table and having it for teams of 3?

    The worst for me, though, was the scoring (and lack of it) at the Boxing Matches: pa-thet-ic!!!

    I would also like to see a beer-chugging contest, but that's not likely. I'd bet on the Aussies.

  6. Well how would you qualify to participate in jump roping or dodgeball that's something that many people can do. It may look easy but I doubt alot of people could do the flips and everything they are doing on those trampolines.  

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