
If trees let out oxygen, then does that mean we can lock ourselves in a room with no doors/windows and .....?

by  |  earlier

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put a few trees in there and we wont ever sufficate?

after all the take in carbon dioxide and let out oxygen




  1. no you could not because plants require sunlight to preform photosynthesis, the process which turns carbon dioxide to oxygen.

  2. Oxygen is produced mainly by algae in the sea and other bodies of water.

  3. You'll eventually get hungry enough to eat the tree and where will that leave you?

  4. Collectively all the trees in the world along with other factors produce our oxygen. Locking yourself in a room with a few pot plants won't be much use I'm afraid!

  5. the trees themselves would die pretty quickly without sunshine and you would follow--so NO

  6. Not exactly. You'd need sunlight for yourself and for the trees;  you'd need a supply of food and water; you'd need more than just a few trees, but other than that, yes.

  7. Yes - that's how hydroponic gardens work (like we see in sci-fi movies, and so on).

    Just you need a lots of trees and plants to create enough oxygen from the carbon dioxide.

    And you'd need light and water to keep the trees alive!

  8. Go here, It's exactly what your looking for.

  9. And you would also need a constant supply of C02!

  10. Thats the basic idea but the amount of CO2 we expel must be absorbed by the plants at a rate that we release

  11. It may take more than a few trees to produce enough oxygen.  Trees also need enough light, good soil, and water to stay alive.

  12. well yes that would work but remenber trees need water and it

    would probably get hot inside the room due to the green house effect.

  13. When you think about it - what the heck do you think we ARE doing?  It's just that the scale is bigger because it includes the whole planet instead of one room!

  14. Scientists tried this , with a custom - built . sealed biodome sort of thing . About 6 people lived quite happily for many months . It did all go wrong , when the co2 levels got too high . Apparently due to the co2 being released by the concrete floor of the building .-Reports may be on the web somewhere - i only have sketchy memory from old tv prog.

  15. If trees let out oxygen, then does that mean we can lock ourselves in a room with no doors/windows and survive , but it would have to be some kinda magic tree cus your gunna get hungry in  a room with no doors or Windows

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