
If two British expats divorce in Guam (U.S.A.) is it recognized as a legal divorce in the U.K. and Thailand?

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If two British expats divorce in Guam (U.S.A.) is it recognized as a legal divorce in the U.K. and Thailand?




  1. Dont know but why ask the question every five minutes?

  2. you did not mention if they are children involved in this marriage or not ?

    the laws of divorce in the UK are somewhat specific to citizens , therefore i suggest to contact the home page of the UK to find out information :

    to get a divorce decree , check this page out :

    Divorce decree You can get a copy of your divorce papers from the court where the divorce was processed.

    Alternatively, contact the Decree Absolute Service.

    Contact National Divorce Records Address First Avenue House

    42-49 High Holborn,


    WC1V 6NP

    Phone 020 7947 6051

    link to UK :

    please go read this article i have found on divorce :read on this section below :

    Divorce overseas

    2.1 The law before 1988

    this article ought to answer your initial question :

  3. If you've got the proper legal documents as proof, of course.

    If you're British, then make sure you go through the procedures with British Embassy too.

    To ensure it's done in Thailand, you'd be wise to get a translation done - very cheap on somewhere like Wireless Rd in Bangkok.

  4. Yes it should be.

  5. Yes...unless you're both Irish... ;)

    Seriously, most countries do recognise a divorce from another country with a government they recognise.

    However, if your wife told you "I divorce thee" three times in an arabic country, it likely wouldn't be legally binding outside of the muslim world.

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