
If two or children in your care want your attention at the same time, what would you do?

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If two or children in your care want your attention at the same time, what would you do?




  1. If the attention is to get your help have one help you help the first child and then have the first child help you help the second child. Hope that makes sense. But involving them in activity together or side by side is a good answer too.

  2. First quickly discern if either of the children want your attention because they are hurt or scared etc.

    If they are just looking for attention in general, bring them together to read a book or some other group activity.

    Should you need to focus on one child at a time, I get down to the child's level and explain "our friend "Bob" is sad, I need to make sure he's ok. Do you want to come with me?" This keeps you from making a promise you might not be able to keep, i.e. "I will be right back". In case "Bob's" situation is  severe, and allows the other child to feel important enough to come with you and not second best and left to wait.

  3. Find something we could all do together

  4. Assess the situation:

    1) Is anyone in danger?

    2) Is it urgent?

    If yes then go to that child first and ask the other to hold on a moment.

    Otherwise if it's two children wanting attention with 2 different things eg: one wants help with apron and other wants you to play shop then I'd give the shop child a task eg: set up the food ready whilst you do the other child's apron.

    However if you mean two children want you to play at the same time try to think of a way all 3 of you can play together? Give children roles or tasks similar to what they want to do.

    OR if the children are old enough to understand tell them you can only do one thing at a time and see if they have any ideas or suggestions on how to solve the may need to suggest ideas!

  5. I say to one: Wait, I will listen to you soon, then I turn to the other and come back as soon as possible. Kids will accept this if you are sincere.

    When they were younger I would give one a lovingly tap to his cheek, then turn to the other and come back as soon as possible.

  6. have them play with eachother.

  7. tell them a story. or ask if they wanna play something.

  8. Knock their heads together

  9. Get involved in an activity with both of them.  That way they're both getting your attention.  :)

  10. I would discover a way to clone myself and then they can both get attention from me and be satisfied :D

  11. play a game that involves both kids e.g hide and seek and don't go looking for them ha ha

  12. play a game. with them.

    play a game where they get to know each other as well as you.

    read them a story.

    show them something new (yet appopriate. show pictures of weird foods, but not too disgusting or creepy)

    tell them a suitable joke for their age.

  13. think of a quick activity involving team work and interaction

  14. Read them a story

  15. They will need to learn to take turns; that's part of life.  Once they go to school, they will learn that they often need to wait until it's appropriate for them to have their turn.

  16. do activities that everyone can enjoy and be complimented on.....if you are cooking dinner let them help, one kid tell them to set the table with the plates and the other the silver wear...bring out some paper and colors and tell everyone to draw a picture of something, maybe pick a theme like "draw a picture of your (pet, family, or flowers) then when they are drawing compliment them both equally with the same excitment....

  17. IF two children are trying to talk to me at one time, I will hold one child's hand so they know I am coming to them in a second and talk to the other.  then I switch.

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