
If two people are married and they?

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if two people are married( guy and girl), both of them don't have any STD's, can they get STD's from having s*x

or are they free of STD's as long as they dont have sexual relations with an infected person or can you develop stds just from having lots of s*x




  1. A woman can develop a yeast infection, bladder infection, urinary track infections from lots of s*x. Key word here is INFECTION not DISEASE.  You can not get an std from to much s*x.  

  2. STD's (sexually transmitted diseases) are not the result of s*x.

    They do not spontaneously occur.

    They are TRANSMITTED through sexual contact.

    There needs to be a history of contact with a previously infected person.

    This also goes to illustrate a point though.

    There is no substitute for washing hands,  showers and mouthwash.

    It helps prevent a lot of the other annoyances which can occur which are not STD's.

  3. Ask your science teacher or your mom.

  4. Are you young?

    You can only get an STD if you have sexual intercourse with someone who has an STD already.

    You and your spouse cannot get an STD just from having lots of s*x with one another -- no matter HOW much s*x you have.  

    Is this a specific case?  What type of STD are you talking about, specifially, and maybe I can add furthur detail?  

    Good luck.

  5. as long they don't go to other people for s*x they are safe . no STD can come from having lots of s*x with the same person

  6. As long as they are both STD free and not having sexual contact with people outside of the relationship, they will both remain STD free.

    There are some STDs that can be dormant (like your partner could have oral herpes from childhood but not be symptomatic, and still be able to pass it on in some cases), and some things that people think are STDs but actually aren't always (like bacterial vaginosis).

  7. No they should not contract any STDs, however some tests are not conclusive, as in you can be falsely diagnosed with an std, this actually just happened to me, i was diagnosed with an STD and went to a different DR. (i went to Planned Parenthood the first time, in a very non profesional area, they didnt even label anything that said the samples they took were mine) so i went to a regular Dr. and it came back that i never had the STD, and my bf went in as well and he didnt have it either.

    So sometimes things can happen. also, women can develop infections from having to much rough s*x.  

  8. If they are both free of any std's and they only have s*x with each other, then niether one of them will ever get it. Having alot of s*x has no bearing on it nor does having oral s*x with each other.

  9. There are some "STDs" that can lie dormant and show up later on down the road - the HPV virus for example.  But no, "lots of s*x" doesn't cause an STD.  Just one time will do it.

  10. ROFLMAO  I am sorry, but this is cute.  Common sense tells us that when two people don't have any diseases and they have s*x, they can't give something they don't have.

  11. You can contract a std unless you have s*x with someone who has it. You can not get it from just having to much s*x.  

  12. if they have anal s*x then vaginal, the bacteria can cause infections as you wld imagine..

    apart from that, if they have clean s*x, they can only get maybe an occasional yeast infection and this can be constantly transferred bk and forth unless both r treated...  

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