
If two people love eachother, if circumstances are the barrier...

by Guest57173  |  earlier

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What can be done? I mean, theres a helpless situation of care and share but the two different regions and not being in same cities adds a lot of pressure to the relationship. What can be done? as of now we are not going on with this reln...but its so hard to let go...!




  1. I wish I could say that love conquers all but the reality is quite different.

    You have to let go -

    There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept.

  2. It's hard enough to trust your partner when you are together from smallest things like a phone call he/she recieved or looking at another men/woman in the street let alone spending those lonely nights alone and wishing that your partner was there to hold you close or you get bad news and wish your other half was there to comfort you...My advice is Let them go before it goes any further and becomes even harder to let go.It won't be easy but with time you will feel better and find someone you can share the good times and bad times together.Good luck

  3. its so hard to answer these questions cuz sometimes the long distance works but not always. Its based on trust. The best way to make a long distance relationship work is to have an open relationship until you are both ready to settle down with each other. In an open relationship you or your partner may find the perfect person closer to home. And say you do but your partner doesn't you have got to let the person you are with know that you are in a long distant relationship and until your partner finds someone else you need to be there for them. Or if your partner finds the perfect person just to let you go easy and the easiest way is to never let you know there is someone else. You'll figure it out.  

  4. Can't they live together?

  5. Being far from each other would most likely cause the relationship to fall apart eventually. Of course it depends how well established the relationship is, and whether is the situation is temporary (perhaps only a few months) and how often can the parties visit each other.

    You can keep the relationship intact, especially if both of you are willing to work on it.

  6. there will be no barriers if they love each other. they can always find ways to fulfill the feelings and love for each other no matter what the distant is. because even couples could break up though they live each other, so do you think they didn't have barriers also? couples that broke have barriers too and it is the love and trust and respect to each other.

  7. Any good relation is based on respect and faith above all is the communication, which must not end, else relations die. Matured people can still work on the same and yes nothing in this world is impossible.  

  8. Unfotunately 'circumstances' have the power to make or break a relationship. I think to a certain extent love finds a way but it depends of how serious or should I say complicated the 'circumstances' are. I would need more information to give better advice but my advice for now would be go for it. As long as you are not hurting anyone else i.e. if they are married or have kids etc. If is it only religion or distance that is in the way - break down those barriers and be together. If it is meant to be it will be! Good luck to you both. x

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