
If two people stalk each other, and they obsesse over each other the same way, would that be love?

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stalking is a danger to the victim, but if both the victims are the perputrators, is there anything wrong with it? they aren't harming anyone else. would this be considered deeply in love with each other then, which is complete opposite of what stalking is about?




  1. When ever you harm someone else, (even if they are harming your back) it's not right. The relationship is deemed unhealthy, because a healthy relationship is where two people can communicate without having to hurt the other.  

  2. I wouldn't call that love.  I think that would be called  co-dependency. It's definitely not a healthy relationship, that's for sure.

  3. I would say it is a very toxic relationship. I and my husbands ex randomly stalk each other on the internet now. I would not call that love. Maybe we are just curious or competitive but definitely not love. I would say the situation is unhealthy!

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