
If two pilots in a plane steered in the opposite direction at the same time what would happen?

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If two pilots in a plane steered in the opposite direction at the same time what would happen?




  1. in fly by wire such as airbus the person who has priority wins. In cable operated systems the systems are actually two connected to one with a disconnect if one jams . You can actually move the ailerons and elevators in opposite directions if you apply enough force.

  2. The strongest would win, but why even ask?

  3. Depends on the plane.... it is a conventional plane with links and pulleys like a Cessna or a Boeing 737.... the stronger pilot win.....

    If it is a Fly by Wire airplane like the Airbus....

    it can depend on who put the comand in first or which side (pilot) had priority...

  4. The strongest one wins. Both controls are tied together.

  5. The "steering wheelS" are both together meaning, only it can go one way.

  6. they're all correct in the conventional planes- the strong wins.

    In fly by wire aircraft Airbus if the pilot who has the priority as indicated by the "arrow green light pointing in his direction" yanks the joystick by "ex. only so you get the point" by 15degrees to the right  and the co-pilot yanks it 20 degrees to the left, the computer now is at a loss (Flight Control Computer) so he will go to the safe side and instruct the actuator to move the surface to the resultant difference which is 5 degrees movement to the left.

  7. In most planes, the controls are interconnected, so the stronger pilot wins.

  8. The co-pilot is going to get cussed out.

  9. nothing    the one with more strengh would make the yoke go his way

  10. As far as the technicals, miiiikeeeeeee has covered that, but the f/o should be slapped in the face for pulling in a direction opposite of the captain, and what would happen would be in violation of regulations, and not following ATC, [in short, union v. management proceedings follow] for safety vios.

  11. That's what the crash axe is for. Uppity copilots.

  12. It can't happen, because the controls are physically coupled.  In an electronically controlled airplane, there is a switch that determines which joystick the computer accepts orders from; thus only one pilot can input control movements at any given time.

  13. It would split the aircraft down the center, nose to tail.


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