
If two scorpio's are in a it only going to be sexual??

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or will there be deep feelings for the other as well?




  1. 2 Scorps in a relationship means putting together 2 individuals who have A LOT of deep-seated feelings. Make no mistake, this is an emotionally intertwined and intense partnership.

    However, despite this level of intensity, there is 1 thing that always seems to over-shadow a double-Scorp relation: the s*x between them is INSANE.

    So to answer your's not just sexual, but the sexual side of things is so overwhelming it's very easy to allow other positive aspects of this relationship fade into the background.

  2. A lot of people associate sexuality with Scorpio. In my opinion, Taurus is more associated with s*x than Scorpio. Scorpio is about transforming the s*x into a strong and intimate union.

    Some of the most intense relationships we have don't even involve s*x. If you think of people you have string emotional reactions to, good or bad, you enter the realm of Scorpio. This is where trust and loyalty becomes essential and feelings run so deep and so strong, they can recreate the way you feel and behave.

    The sign of Scorpio deals will all things that we have to face in order to feel so strongly and actualize our dreams. Whether it be a love affair or a struggle, Scorpio demands we go to the core of the issue and allow ourselves to face the emotion and develop the intuition we need to move ahead and form the union we desire.

  3. It doesn't have to be... Scorpios are passionate, emotional and intense in everything they do... not just s*x...

  4. yess

  5. I can say that I can answer this one because both me and my man are scorps and we have been together for a long time.

    He's unlimited, if you know what I mean ;)

    and not just sexually...

    I don't think I can explain it. It's just really great between us in all aspects.

  6. No, Scorpios aren't as sexual as everyone makes out.  They like to TALK about it and research it, but doing it, well, they ain't so hot.

    Two Scorpios tend to be too boring, cause too much alike!

  7. This match could seem perfect at first, but it doesn't have a good chance of making it as a long-term thing. A Scorpio girl and a Scorpio boy will have very good physical chemistry together, and you could be very drawn to each other because of that. You are also both passionate people who feel intensely about things and that could mean you'll have terrific, heated conversations at first. Unfortunately, the similarities between you is what will sink this relationship. You both have a very strong need to control the way things go in your relationships. You want things to go exactly the way you think, but he has different opinions and he feels just as strongly about getting his way. You can't both be in charge, and you'll have lots of fights over who gets to choose what you do, who you hang out with, etc. You'll get sick of all the arguments, fast. Not a good match for you or for him. ( Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    Scorpio girl and Scorpio boy can trust each other like no one else, and this cosmic quality sets the stage for a level of closeness and understanding that is shared by few others. You have the potential to be each other's best friend as well as boyfriend and girlfriend…so cherish it

  8. yess, well at least thats what they say

  9. Yes but there can be deep feelings too.!!!

  10. i dunno. i'm a female scorpio, but i've never dated a male scorpio. i do have scorp male friends though. who knows? maybe..

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