
If two vehicles crash coming in oppisite directions how do ifind the speed they impact at?

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if the two are traveling at 30miles per hour what is there speed when they crash




  1. 60 mph.

  2. surely 60mph

  3. Me-thinks someone needs to take a crash course on this strange subject!

  4. There speed when they crash is zero if they are travelling at the same speed and are the same weight.They have stopped at the point of impact!

  5. Generally speaking the impact doubles. There are several factors taken into account as to the impact that can be factored in, but the best answerer would be a collision reconstructor. However, the basics are that if you hit a wall at 30 mph then your impact will be 30 mph. If the wall (or other vehicle was travelling at you at 30 mph and you were doing 30 mph then the impact is double to 60 mph. If two fully loaded semis were travelling at each other weighing about 75,000 lbs and each was doing 55mph then the force is equivalent to setting off sticks of dynamite or a bomb. While there are few who have survived these kinds of impacts, there is usually always long term consequences. Anyways, as stated, an accident reconstruction specialist would best be able to answer these types of usually it is best guess. Hope this helps.

  6. Simple add the two respective speeds together in this case 30 + 30 so 60. this is a common sum in accident investigation as it gives an indication of the severity of the damage that one can expect to see on both vehicles.

    PS Speed does not kill its  stopping that gets you.

  7. Their combined speeds just before the point of impact would be 30+30 or 60mph.

    Theoretically though you could argue that if both masses and speed were the same at the point in time when they both collided-they would both be theoretically at a stop when they hit IE all mass and speed was cancelled out in the opposite direction 30-30=0.

  8. the speed would be 60 mph to 0 mph. You have two seperate speeds added together to a point of impact which would be 0 mph

  9. If they are traveling the opposite direction it is the combined speed of 60 miles an hour

  10. you just add both car's speeds together.

  11. Add them together.


  12. Get the speed each vehicle was doing and add them together

  13. it would be a 60 mph impact to both vehicles

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