
If u Dispise your parents can?

by  |  earlier

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u put yourself into adoption and make yourself adopted by people u think r more suited for u?




  1. Ugh.

    I wish.

    Nope, yer stuck with 'em.

    I was free at 18!

  2. no sorry

  3. It is impossible to put yourself up for adoption.However,there are other things that can be done.First off,see your school counselor and tell them what is going on.Sometimes,when we are young,we see things as emotional abuse.In reality,it is just a parent either overreacting or underreacting to a situation.If there is truly emotional abuse there are options.The counselor will notify the proper authorities.Then,depending on your age,they will go through the system.If you are old enough,you can be emancipated.I do not recommend this as it means you are totally responsible for yourself and your actions(including the consequences).There are also the possibilities of a group home,foster care,or maybe even adoption.But you have to go to a counselor first.Then,if it gets into the legal system,you can request a court appointed advocate to speak on your behalf.

  4. Yes and no. Talk to someone if you are in a bad and dangerous situation get help right away.

  5. if you'rs just mad at them about a small thing, get over it. if its abuse or emotional abuse call a counslor or a help line (not the police but  an advice line)

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