
If u are goin to hav ur teeth brace , will u feel like this?\?

by Guest65694  |  earlier

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Ok , I'm goin to have my teeth brace this Saturday and i've been feelin depressed , sad and fear all this while . I was feelin very excited at first , but after i heard some rubbish that people said which really hurt and effect my feeling . Waiting the time to ' face ' this is really like , OMG waiting the Earth to be crush by comet . I wonder some other people who have brace feel like this too ??




  1. I am an adult with braces and to be honest, the pain for the first 6 weeks was unbeleivable. The good news for you is, for teenagers the process is a lot easier because your teeth are easier to move. I was really scared too but you get used to it. Don't worry about how it will look and of course you will be able to open your mouth and smile. People just like to upset other people. You'll be okay and you'll have nice teeth at the end of it :)

  2. yeah its gonna feel wierd but you will soon get used to it.

    of course you will be able to open your mouth,it may be a bit sore for a day or two but it will get better

    as for smiling, yeah just grin the biggest grin, be proud of them, you will certainly, be grinning at the end of it and you have perfect teeth! its worth it, you know it is! good luck for saturday xx

  3. I think people are being horrible because you were feeling positive about them and they were jealous and trying to make you feel bad.  

  4. Ive had my braces for just over a week... its not painful at all when you have them on but after wards my mouth was full of ulcers

    now just after a week of having them on my mouth is fine and i can eat properly talk properly and all things like that


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