
If u arent guilty of a drug possession charge (1st 1) but u arent going 2 snitch, is it best to plead guitly?

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a drug possession charge concerning a baggy residued and paraphenelia that was found in your house...i heard its best to plead guilty and face rehab + a fine or is it better as far as what you'll get to say not guilty and not really b able 2 prove it but u know whose it was but u aren't going to tell... what would happen in either case in the state of maine?




  1. NO, it's not best to plead guilty, you don't want that on YOUR record.  DEFINATELY GET AN ATTORNEY and see where you stand!!!!!  DO NOT talk to the police whatsoever, if you are ever in contact with police, ask for an attorney immediately!!!!!  There are stipulations in the law as to how the police actually seized this evidence called "rules of criminal procedure".  Fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine, also known as the exclusionary rule that excludes certain facts and/or evidence that can not be introduced into court.  You might be able to get the entire case thrown out of court and all charges dismissed on a search and seizure violation.  You might get a sweet plea deal agreement if you have an attorney.  Consult with a public defender.  How did the police come across the residue?  What was the police's original reason for being in your house? Why were they there?  Was the baggy in plain view>?  Did you give them permission to search?  Did they arrest everyone in the house? Or just a few people?  Did anyone admit or sign a confession that it was his/her baggy?  Who's to say it wasn't someone else's or trash that was accidentally brought into the house?  Regardless, do yourself a favor and don't smoke weed, it will only make you'll get nowhere fast.  Talk to an Attorney, sign up for one free at your local courthouse.

  2. You need to talk to a defense attorney.  What you should do will depend on the strength of the state's case which is best analyzed by someone with experience in the criminal justice system.

    Until someone has actually reviewed the state's file, any recommendation would be premature and probably wrong.

  3. .That would depend on a lot of variables. Where the drugs were discovered, how much, and by whom. Could be a case of illegal search and sezure. Get a lawyer! You may be sorry later. It is better to pay a lawyer than to have a drug conviction on your record to come back and haunt you some day.


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