
If u could be in control of obamas teleprompter for 1 "speech" what would u make him say or admit?

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hmmmm............I wonder and no I'm not a republican




  1. It is very late in the game but to win all of the 18 million Hillary Clinton voters Obama must make a gender speech equivalent to his race speech.  We are still waiting!

  2. Admit he's a muslim, that the 'Reverend' HAS been preaching racism/hatred towards Americans/America, that he has no clue how to run a country, and then give 72 reasons why we should all vote for McCain.

    McCain/Palin '08!

  3. HAHAHAH, look at Sarah Palin, hypocrite.

  4. I think he does a pretty job of telling the people with out having to read notes all the time as MCBush of how he wants to change the country around for the good and reminding us of the failed polices of Bush. All those in Congress that has been backing Bush up for re-election should be voted out.

  5. Have you noticed he can't talk without a speech in front of him.

    Listen to his interview on the O'Reilly Factor - he's clueless

  6. Real life isn't anchorman.  

  7. I do da cha cha.

  8. I think it would be fun to just turn it off to see him try to "wing it".

  9. "Frank taught me to really love Communism, and I intend to use the presidency to spread it across America!!!"

    Think I'm making it up?

    Try to refute this factual research:

  10. I have no idea what I am talking about.

    I have no experience.  

  11. "I do not have the experience needed to run this country, I won't be able to say too much because I can't speak without something to read. I am a secret muslim."  

  12. How racist the GOP convention looks, when they can't even garner the support of minorities as if they don't exist in this country.

    McCain sucks the Bush d**k all day long, and swallows his policies.  So, he goes out an gets a swinger in Sarah Polin.   Who enjoys cheating on her husband, when the coast is clear.  

    And that DEMS rule B***H!!!!

  13. LOL.... GREAT question!

    "I hate America.  My mind-control plan works brilliantly and as soon as I'm in office I plan to round up all the conservative nutcases in this stinking country, along with all the others who weren't smart enough to realize I needed to think for them, and place them in labs in my socialist hospitals.  Then I plan to harvest their stem cells and create a master race of Barack and Michelle Obamas to rule the entire world".  

  14. Make him admit that he knows McCain is senile, but is too much of a gentleman to make it a campaign issue.

  15. i would make both candidates to to act the the "what" scene from pulp fiction

  16. Obama has been on the Campaign trail for almost two years he faced a fore some group in Democratic Primary, and The Republican Party at the same time. He has not shown away from the press, he has answer every question put to him. He has had countless debates, in the primary I can recall at least 10 debate(no teleprompter) he has had countless press conference. So your question is totally fruitless, I am sure your non-informative friends on the side will probably agree with you.

    However, I am not going to take a defensive posture like the RNC would like for Obama to take...Why hasn't your Mrs. Palin had a press conference, in two weeks she has only had a introduction with no questions, and a speech that was written by Bush press writer. So, tell me why hasn't she come before the press for general questions.

  17. Have you ever seen "Bruce Almighty" when Jim Carey does that thing to Evan while he is on the air.

    THAT is what I would do.

  18. I would type in that some people on Yahoo write the lamest questions out of their fantasies. But of course knowing that he is too smart he would improvise and deliver his message with out the teleprompter.

    BTW a teleprompter doesn't do W Bush a bit of good he still manages to make an _________ of him self.

  19. Look, you people are as ignorant as barnyard chickens.  Neither my opponent or I have clue one what we are doing.  If even a fraction of what we promise were actually delivered nothing but a series of disasters would befall us all.  If you had any sense you would turn your back on the major parties and vote for somebody else.  The best you can hope is that we so disagree over our stupid ideas that we do nothing but impede any progress towards really s******g up things.  Now let me lull you back to la-la land with the mystical hypnotic words.  Hope, change, hope change, repeat after me.

  20. I am a closet socialist that hates white people

  21. Since I'm a funny guy with a funny sense of humor it would say something like this.....

    My fellow Americans....I'm a little teapot short and stout, this is my handle and this is my spout,

    Excuse me we seem to be having some technical problems st the moment


    I am going to speak to you about the issues that affect all americans...farting. It is a deadly gas and stinks up a room. I will work with congress to pass legislation for the new ********* which will stop farting all together.

    I'm sorry, it appears that someone was fooling around with the teleprompter. The problem has been corrected now


    I will also work with congress to end the problem of.....people picking their noses. It is a disgusting habit and many american don't want boogers on their personal belongings. They are tired of cleaning boogers off of their clothing. They don't want to pay for it anymore. This why I will pass legislation forcing all booger picking americans to eat them.

    I apologize yet again. I do not know what is wrong with the prompter. I assure you all that this problem has be repaired


    Now my opponent wants to stop.....Boobies. I love to look at boobies and I will defend all the rights of those who wish to look st boobies. I will veto any legislation that prohibits people rights to look at boobies.

    Ok, that's it. I can't take this anymore. I'm outta here. Peace out.  

    lol. :-P  have fun with it. It would be a hoot.  

  22. the truth, "I hate's women, they have to be kept down"  They are beneath me"

  23. that he's a racist, though that will not really be necessary when the commericals of Rev. Wright run the last week of October.

  24. Tell us in detail what his relationship is or was to terrorist William Ayers.

  25. He said a lot of what he would do if he were president, but he never said HOW he was going to go about accomplishing any of it. I wanted to hear the HOW. For that.. I have reason to not trust him.  

  26. Dat he is just another slick bro tak'n vantage of poor black folk like he did in IL!

  27. everyone uses a teleapromter. No one memeorrizes a hour long speech that was just written about 12hrs ago

  28. "Where's my teleprompter?"

    Did anyone notice that Palin had a problem with her teleprompter?  And by the way, when ANYONE is doing a speech of any length, they need a teleprompter.  Anyway, it's my understanding that Palin's started to speed up (a new machine!) and she had to "wing" it for a good portion of the speech.  Did pretty darn good, didn't she?  Yes, she remembered for the most part, but still, how absolutely "turn her upside down" could that have been.  She aced it!

  29. It would be at the end of the speech

    "Keep in mind the Republicans proved that McCain wasn't electable when he ran against Bush in 2000 - since then he has voted the same as the President 90% of the time, the same President that has the lowest approval rating in History from both Democrats & Republicans. McCain is a good man, but to continue 4-8 more years of the same, we as a country can NOT afford that any longer"...

  30. I would like to know more about his socialist, communist and radical involvement in his younger days. He glosses over that in his book and so many sources of information along those lines have been blocked. '

    Every time I try to do research into that aspect of Obama's past, I run into a brick wall, shrouded in mystery and littered with unsavory characters.

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