
If u could choose between being made blind,made deaf, or dying which one would u choose?

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A guy gives u a choice between being made blind,deaf or being killed and you have 1 minute to make a decision.Which one would u choose?




  1. Dying.

  2. death... how can anyone stand the suffering? being blind or deaf is a punishment worse than torture till death

    ofcourse, if the choice was tortured to death, then i'd do deaf

    then i'd kill myself

  3. dying....end the suffering...

  4. I've studied American Sign Language for the past 2 years and I honestly wouldn't mind being deaf. I mean don't get me wrong, I don't take my hearing for granted in the slightest but a lot of deaf people don't see themselves as handicapped in anyway, in their eyes, they have a full life. They have their own culture, a University (Gallaudet), a sophisticated language that can express just as much as our own and now with the advanced technology many ways to communicate.

    It really surprises me how many people would rather die! It would take some adjusting but I wouldn't mind being deaf.

  5. dying... it would be much more interesting

  6. its quite worrying how many people said they would die.

    being deaf isnt as bad as it sounds, they have a much better relaxed society from what ive learnt over 15years.

    so id lose my hearing

  7. None but if I actually really had to I would go deaf

  8. Blindness.  You can still live fully without sight.  Already I have seen many things.  Imagination can fill in the darkness.  To lose the ability to hear would be much more difficult for me.  I would miss music very much.  Death would take the opportunity away from the spirit, for it is strong and can handle any challenge it's presented.

  9. I would give up up sight limits a person in everyday life.  To relearn how to do everything that I now take for granted would be torture.  I could still drive a car, see my children grow up before  me, enjoy the beauty of the 4 seasons...  I would not choose death because it will be there eventually.

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