
If u could give Barack once piece of advice, what would it be?

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One thing that Obama would definently need to know. Any one thing




  1. Go back to Kenya, help your destitute relatives out and leave us alone.  Thanks, Barack for listening.

  2. Listen to all Americans, not just the ones who put donations in your campaign war chest.

  3. "I keep hearing about your hopes and dreams for the future of America and how you wish to achieve these in a certain time frame and such. Could you possibly explain HOW you're going to pull these things off? Could you possibly show us where in your 'vast resume' that you promoted change and did what you said you would do? It's unclear where you really are and you keep talking vaguely about your plans. I need something and someone more concrete. I need proof that you stand behind your principals. Proof that you actually do what you say and mean what you say. You've talked very intelligently and with great conviction but with far-fetched ideas that aren't clearly stated. Give me some evidenciary support along with an outline of your plans. If you do that, then we Republicans wouldn't have much against you other than the normal 'left wing, right wing' stuff that's always argued."

    Something along those lines.

    -Later Gator-

  4. You need to follow the example of Bill Clinton and John Edwards.

    Hey, cut that out! No, I didn't mean cheat on your wife. I'm talking about getting down and dirty with the poorest parts of this country and letting them know you feel their pain. I think you have to emphasize what you are going to do to ease everyone's suffering and get the country on the right track. You know that hurricane hitting New Orleans right now, get your **** down there and lend a hand. Then go travel to the poorest parts of Appalachia. Do more then talk about hope and change, make it obvious your a do'er, let them know you about change by your actions over your words.

  5. That he should not be running for President. Hilary should have been the one on the road to the White House.

  6. Tell me exactly what your plans are...give me specific details instead of using vague ambiguous diction than any English teacher would find boring, redundant, and too general.

  7. don't drop the soap, as he's headed for prison

  8. Actually do something instead of talking about what you did, give us examples of what you have done in the past with specifics.  

  9. Put down the ipod and stop letting geeks run the show.


  11. 'never was a monument built to honor a critic'.

  12. impeach Bush and Co when he wins .... he will win ....  

  13. Don't let the loonies stand out so prominently in your campaign. It's a turn off for many people.

    These loonies include

    - Nancy Pelosi - a traitor who associates with Syria and Hamas. She has done nothing in Congress except extract perks fro herself and her friends on taxpayer expense. Her approval rating makes Bush's seem sky-high.

    - Ted Kennedy - a drunken, fumblink bumbling man who got away with killing someone by paying off the authorities in 1969. The Kennedy name is the only reason this idiot is so prominent in politics.

    - Jimmy Carter - another traitor who would sell America for a dime. He trembled in his boots for 444 days while hostages were held in Iran. He's a white flag of surrender coward.

    - Al Gore - a fraudster who preaches the "global warming" message for financial and political purposes only. Flies around in a private jet. Charges 50K speaking fees at colleges. Has a mansion that consumes 50 times the energy of average American large home. He doesn't practice what he preaches.

    Jesse Jackson - a racist who gets away with his hatred because he is black.

    While I like Obama, when I see this parade of low-lives, I can't help but ask if McCain/Palin can better serve the people, especially the middle class and working class.    

  14. It's obvious you can't make it on your own. Not one thing you've done or said seems to come from your own mouth or mind. Just give it up until you learn how to play president and then come back. Our country isn't in the position right now to play wet nurse to a wannabe president.

  15. The YEA, or NAY button is to the left and right of "PRESENT" button.

  16. "You better start laying out concrete plans to make all of these lofty ideals happen. People are getting sick of hearing you talk about hope but not having a plan to achieve it."

    that or

    "I heard if you take a nap on the train tracks you will get elected president"

  17. He would do better running as President of Europe or Africa.

  18. Jump on the fact that Palin dissed the VP job about 3 months ago saying she "didn't even know what a VP did".  And she's a 'heartbeat' away from being President?

  19. HIt back.  Don't wait.

    Don't think the American people are too smart to believe the c**p they are going to throw at you.

    They aren't.  Always remember they voted in Bush twice.

  20. If you are not a US citizen, entitled under Article Two of the US Constitution to be President, go ahead and admit it now, before you are forced to step aside because of the Berg. v. Obama lawsuit.

  21. Drop out now!!

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