
If u could live in the usa or canada which one would u chose and why?

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If u could live in the usa or canada which one would u chose and why?




  1. USA, because Michael Phelps lives here.

  2. I've lived in both, US being temporary, I'm biased, and I'm sure everyone else is here, but I'd still prefer Canada. Sure some of our laws suck, especially in Ontario, we've got restrictive firearm laws, but I prefer Canada.

  3. This question just leads to bias; most people here have only lived in one of the two countries, and they'll choose the one they lived in.

    I've lived in both, and I choose the United States because I'm more acquainted with it.

  4. Too Easy, USA

  5. The USA.  

  6. Canada. No Republicans or Democrats. Now, if we could get rid of Bush's butt kissing buddy Stephen Harper we could call it Heaven.  

  7. I can live in either and I choose Canada. Not for any philosophical or political reasons, I just like it here.  I got here by accident (sort of) and never intended to stay but I fell in love with the country.  It's not that it is better, but it suits me.

  8. i live in california and i want to move to canada if mccain becomes president. they seem to have a much better reputation. and if mccain becomes president they'll be even more hatred toward the united states.  

  9. USA

  10. oh easy, the USA...we have much more to offer even then Canada (though it doesn't really seem like a different country sometimes). Ever notice how many people are dieing to get into the US, but never have heard of immigrants dieing to get into Canada (unless they're fleeing the US for breaking the law)?

  11. I have already: I live in both. It's great to sometimes escape the narrow mindedness of people by changing your residence.

  12. Well I'm an American, and while I really liked the parts of Canada I've visited, I'd have to pick America.  

    Why, well I'm from the south and Canada gets just a little to cold for my blood in the winter.  Second, the USA is the greatest place on earth-IMHO.  THat being said, should Obama be elected I will be looking for another country to call home for a few years and Canada at least speaks English, so that's a plus.

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