
If u get summons to go to court do u have to go!!?

by  |  earlier

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i got summons to go to court, i don't want to go if i don't have to but what will happen to me if i don't go!! i am just a witness for the case!!!




  1. Someone asked the same question here:

    Apparently, you only have to go if you are subpoenaed.

  2. If your just a witness, you don't HAVE to go, but many times the law will continue to summons you as long as they know you have somthing they need, its a technicality, you don't have to go, but they can force you to go. do you really want to be a kink in the justice chain? I would go, cus if you get Subpena in the mail, than you have to go, so if you don't go, then they court will issue you with a Subpeana.

  3. Yes, otherwise you could be jailed for contempt. Go.

    They can't force you to testify, but they can require that you show up.

  4. yes you do. if you dont you could be in serious trouble

  5. Iwould go and do what you have to  it is always best in the long  run.

  6. Man.. a witness =/.. your gonna have to go.

    I thought you meant Jury Duty.. THATS another story xD

  7. Go to court, or go to jail?  Hmmmmm....  Let me think about it and get back to you.

  8. i don't think you have to, but you should call the court or whatever number there is on your notice to see for sure whether or not you have to be present.  

  9. Yes, you do need to go, otherwise, you could be subpoenaed to testify. If you still refuse after being subpoenaed, you could get jail time.

  10. I think you do but if its a matter of not feeling safe or something i think there are ways out of it you should call up to the court and ask. It cant hurt.

  11. Yes you should go unless you have a valid reason and even then you could face a fine or even jail as you could be in contempt of court.

    Talk to a solicitor to clairfy your rights and to cover yourself.

  12. Why would they summon you if you didn't have to go? That's the whole point of a "summons"

  13. You be held in contempt.You will pay a killer fine and maybe even go to jail.Try it and you'll see first hand.

  14. never ever mess with the law....... no matter who says its ok.

  15. First off what did you witness. Depending on the crime you do have to attend. Other than that if it's for nothing too serious you don't have to show up. The state will always pick up the case. They won't go straight to jury trial, if you go it will be weeks before you see a jury. You'll talk to the DA and the defense attorney at the pre-trial/hearing. Then after all that they will the schedule the jury parts. Even with the pictures if there is no witness; beside the defendant and only their word, it will be dismissed. The police can only say what happened when they showed up.  There is no evidence of who started what and if the defendant was only defending themselve. I know plenty of people that has happened to. About 2 years ago I got arrested for a fight and the other girl never showed up for court and the case was dismissed because the DA couldn't produce a victim or witness. They had pictures also. You could always just tell the DA you don't want to. They can not hold you in jail because you refuse to testify. If all else plead the fifth.

    Since you said it was only a summons you don't have to show up. You got that in the mail, right? If a guy shows up with a subpoena that you have to sign for then you do have to. I've never known anyone that ever got arrested or fined for not going. That's how it works here in Wisconsin. It's not like it's a murder case.

  16. Yes, you are bound by a judge. If you don't show, an arrest warrant will be issued in your name.

  17. you can stay home and hope they dont arrest have a summons...its a legal document you must honor it...

  18. It is says you are ordered by the court to appear, then refusal of  court order is punishable as contempt of court.  If you got a weird one that says you are invited to appear, feel free to decline.

  19. You can be found in contempt of court and jailed until it is time for you to testify.  (Perhaps longer.)  The judge will be extremely unhappy with you and can even saddle you with a fine in addition to jail time.

    It would be beneficial to your comfort and freedom to honor the summons.

  20. Is it a supeona? If you don't go you could be arrested.

    If you are the defendant and don't go, you will lose by default.

  21. yes, that is the concept of a summons, the court wants you there. not going will have its consequences, not sure for your situation.

  22. you will get a bench warrant out for your arrest

  23. are you on jury dut? or an actual witness?

  24. Failure to appear in court when you have been summonsed is considered to be 'contempt of court' and can get you a visit to your local jail.  Frankly, you can end up staying in jail for as long as the judge decides to keep you.  Having said that, it's usually a day by day basis.  After your first day, they ask you if you are willing to testify in court now, and if you say "no", you stay for another day, and then they ask you if you are ready to come to court now, etc. until you say "yes".

    Lying in court is "perjury" which can get you years in jail.  So don't think about coming to court and lying.

    Frankly, you have have any fear about your testimony netting you some retribution, talk to the prosecutor about it.

  25. Yes, or you can wait and be arrested.

  26. Yes. The summons is a legally binding order requiring you to attend court.

  27. Yes.

    Failing to show is against the law.

  28. you have to go. its not optional. unless you get immunity, you have to go.

  29. YES

    It's illegal to stand up Uncle Sam.

  30. You will go to jail if you don't.

  31. Im pretty sure you have to, unless you are physically unable to go.*

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