
If u go from england to america do you need any injetions (bcj) or anything?

by  |  earlier

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to keep away from disease or is that only african countries




  1. You should have your BCG done anyway- TB is a killer.

    All people in the UK are entitled to the injection for free, so there's no excuse not to have it!

    I'm 'naturally immune' apparently, although the respiratory specialist I spoke to says that's not actually possible, and that I must have come into contact, and overcome, TB at some point...

    Ring your GP and ask if your shots are up to date- especially tetanus, polio, TB, Meningitis C and MMR (mumps, measles and rubella)

  2. fiance comes to visit me from England and all he needs is a visa waiver and he's good to go lol.

  3. I would guess not, since these are both first-world countries. Talk to your passport authority, etc. to make sure though.

  4. No, only third world countries.

  5. There is no legal requirement to have any inocculations to visit the States unless you've recently been in another country before hand which you would need vaccinations for, like yellow fever.

    I would recommend that you have your BCG regardless of going on holiday or not, get yourself protected.

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