
If u go to a resturant or drive thru and the worker becomes very rude how do u respond? Do u act accordinly ?

by  |  earlier

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are do u try & report to their supervisor. because by eating out you are at mercy of the person that 's serving u. what would u do.




  1. depends on what kind of a day i am having and today is bad so i would not be very nice in handling it.

  2. you know what i have done in the past is i go in and ask for the manager to give him/her a compliment and ask for the person who i can write a letter to . some times it s in a nother city

    then i let lose in the letter

    good luck

    alot of times i have gotton free stuff

    good luck

  3. I believe that if you're there to do your job, do it well... and don't take out your frustrations on your customers.

    I understand the person may be having a bad day or what not, but I have my bad days too... I don't act rude to customers to compensate for my anger.

    Drive thrus are fine with me, I don't have to put up with their attitude for long.

    Restaurants however... I usually just tell them straight up "I'm sorry, but you're being quite rude" most times, they realize that and try to adjust. If not... no tip for them, and yes I would most likely report to a supervisor.

  4. I try to keep my cool because getting upset ain't worth it plus they could spit in your burger and then you might have to commit murder.  I don't report people,  sometimes people are having a bad day and I try not to let one instance be a judge of character on them.  As a person who cares,  I have come to the conclusion that caring sucks.

  5. Regardless you are paying for a service and they are doing a job.  You should politely ask to speak to a manager and then polite and professionally speak to the manager.

    You are NEVER at the mercy of a rude and discourteous employee when you are paying for a service.

    Peace & Love :)

  6. My motto of life is this "never behave as less than you are".  Returning rudeness doesn't solve the problem-how I would respond would depend on the situation.  I might ask for a manager or supervisor to inform them of their employee's behavior, because if they care about their business, they may handle it with the person.  Most of the time, I try to brush this kind of thing off-it's not worth the effort to get mad about it.  Who knows why they behaved that way? -probably not about you personally.

    Good luck.

  7. tell them you want to speak to there manager (dumbass)

  8. i call over the manager or the owner

  9. LOL! what I WISH I would do is calmly ask for a manager...and then calmly report the situation and try to be very fair and forgiving and hope for a discount or free meal...then, if tipping was in order, I would leave no tip

    what prolly actually would happen, tho, is I would become sooooo agrevated (since I am a cook and have been a server, and I expect good service when I'm paying) that I would #1 tell the server in a calm yet "about to explode" voice how lousy they are, #2, stand up and demand manager NOW...#3 ask manager publicly why they tolerate this person, #4 insist I'm not paying, and #5 leave and never go back...once a restaurant ticks me off, I have a hard time ever going back and basically "asking" for it again...

    added: if it were a fast food rest., never mind, I'd chalk it up as "typical" and understand that you get what you pay for...

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