
If u had a chance to win free ticket to the kraft racing?

by  |  earlier

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if u had a chance to win tickets to the kraft racing and u had to wright telling why u deserve to be part of the kraft racing team and u could only wright in 92 words or less what would u wright and why but member can only be 92 words or less




  1. i don't think i understand the question.  are you trying to win tickets to a race or to be a member of a racing team?

    as for "concerned" above: the link you provided was pathetic...  i know the question you linked to has been deleted (and for good reason if you ask me - i saw it before it was, and no i didn't report it).  that c**p has no place here.

    as for you, the "maroon" directly above: talk about wastes of time, why are you wasting yours (and ours) by spending time in the nascar section? i'd like to think i have better sense than to waste my time hanging out in a place i don't want to be, and where i'm not wanted...

  2. Write your own answer, and quit wasting your points.

    Go Jr.>>>>

  3. spell ckeck?

  4. this is NASCAR SITE not Kart???why you here????

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