
If u had one day to live... wat would u do???...?

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If u had one day to live... wat would u do???...?




  1. tell those close i love them,

    spend the rest of the day with someone special.

  2. First I would need a large swimming pool

    5000 gallons of jello

    Very high diving board

    And a killer cannon ball dive

    Followed by naked skydiving

    Then spend the rest of the day having a good dinner and playing the high rollers tables in vegas.

  3. Eat as much Chinese food as possible.

  4. i would see or call the people that i did not have a chance to speak to regarding past regrets or misunderstandings, getting those cleared and aired and then spend time in my most favorite place in the world enjoying my last moments in peace.

  5. ride on the longest, fastest, scariest roller coaster in the world.  

  6. answer ur question

  7. teach you how to spell.

  8. spend it with family telling them everything will be ok after im gone.

  9. die or mabye become fat  

  10. one day's not enough to do all the things i'd like to do,so be with my family and let them know how much i love them.

  11. GO to the nude beach and eat an italian dinner  

  12. Spend time with the people i love.

  13. take breathers

  14. evrythin(:

  15. Skydiving!

  16. spend time with all the people I love.

    Would I tell the person I love so much but they don't know I love them???

    No, what's the point of them knowing anymore when I'm gone??  

  17. Pour a very large vodka and coke, followed by another.

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