
If u had spnt the past 4 yrs doing a uni course that you hate and had 6 wks of unpaid work to go would u do it

by  |  earlier

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i have been studying a course at uni which i am so totally over i hate it. I have 6 weeks of unpaid work to go to finish it- i have no intention of working in this field EVER. I have kids i have to pay childcare for and cant work paid work for these 6 weeks because its rostered (morning/evening/night duties). I already have to pay the HECS etc for it. i have had maj depression this past year and feel so stressed even just thinking about work/study. if i pull out now i fail the whole course but it makes me ill to think about it. What would you do? there is no higher pay assoc with the course qualifications either.




  1. You have invested a certain amount of time so far, might as well see it through. Sometimes it is more important just to be the guy who finishes on principal. I would hire someone who perserveres on principal even if they didn't have all the requirements.

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