
If u have a hg tv but not the service but a station is offering it in hd do u get it in hg???

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If u have a hg tv but not the service but a station is offering it in hd do u get it in hg???




  1. Hi there. Do you mean HD tv? HG tv is home and garden television. HD is High Defintion. HD can be sent over the air via antenna. However, you need an HD television. If your tv has a built in tuner, you might pull in the signal. If not, then you will need a cable box and an HD package, Keep in mind, all arial broadcasts will only last until Feb 2009. Then everything will no longer be available over the air.

  2. You can get over-the-air (antenna) HDTV for free, if your HTDV has a built-in tuner.  Of course, a rooftop antenna is the best bet for this, but in some areas, you can get away with rabbit ears on top of your TV.

    If you have satellite or cable, most likely you'd need to get an HD box from them, in order to view any HD channels.

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