
If u have many reasons to believe a person is possessed on SOME level,will long distance prayerBeffective?

by  |  earlier

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I am a veteran of many unfortunate circumstances due to two,esp. one particuliar individual throughout my lifetime. Way too much to type up here and post.

I ask those who have prayed and seen anything close to miraculous of releasing evil from any person who causes harm/and then were fortunate and blessed w/results of the Holy Spirit {Universal Spirit of Love}.

I {well we actually} need a miracle for Christmas.

If anyone chooses to joke w/my question, if u knew what all happened to my family throughout the yrs. you'd refrain from posting anything other than supportive.

Thanks to those who are generous w/positive posts :o)

seeking spirits for goodness and healing




  1. I offer you my full support and well-wishes, but prayer only affects those who are aware of it.  The same goes for the supertitious belief of possession.  Listen to Rider.  The power of evil does not exist independent of the person who believes in it.

  2. In my years of ministering to people about spiritual matters as a Christian and now pagan clergy, I still tell people the Truth. It is the belief in a persons power and evil that is the problem. Stop giving this power by simply stop believing in this power or evil. Yes, it works the only evil we need to fear is what live people who we have contact with in person do to us.

    Spirits cannot possess us and if we believe we are possessed then we  will think we are. Take courage and take control and power power over your lives.


  3. No matter what unfortunate experiences you and your family may have had, possession is not something you should consider.  In fact, if one is prone to believe in such things, you could be doing real harm to the victim by neglecting proper medical care.

    If you think some possessed person is causing your problems, then yes, by all means pray.  Anything that might get you to consider that the person is no longer possessed, and that some people just have a lot of bad luck.

  4. God's plan is for each of us to live a victorious life through the power of the Holy Spirit, His Word, His name, and His blood.

    Add all three into your prayer.

    The baptism of the Holy Spirit changed a cowardly disciple into a fearless apostle.

    When the Word manifest in flesh spoke, demons fled, disease dissolved, and death lost its grip.

    The Pharisees, the multitude, and even Jesus' disciples were astonished at His words, for He spoke with authority.

    ~For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword" (Hebrews 4:12).

    One verse, even one phrase or word from God's Word, can cut to the depth of the soul in a second, destroying the cancerous cells of sin.

    The name of Jesus opens the gate into the glorious presence of the Almighty.

  5. i pray that the evil, or negative that has possessed the member you are speaking of be cast out for all eternity into the deepest darkest pit of h**l.  i pray that your family member is healed, and in complete faculty of his/her mind, body and spirit.  i pray for a christmas miracle in the name of love, and by the holy blood of jesus.  so mote it be.  furthermore, i bind that negative spirit to h**l in the name of jesus  and ask the universe to keep that demon from ever walking this earth ever again.

  6. I am not aware of any scientific studies showing the effects of prayer (long distance or otherwise) on possession. However, I am aware that long distance prayer studies on healing have been conducted that show positive results. Despite the misinformation once again posted by the debunking crowd these experiments showed positive results when people were not aware of the prayers.

    This research was has been primarily undertaken by Larry Dossey, M.D. (link below)

  7. Prayer is always beneficial, it doesn't need to be 'hands on'.

    My prayer for you and yours this holiday season is to be free forever of any evil, that angels  will surround you and your loved ones for protection and guidance, that the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ will indwell and nurture you forevermore. Amen.

  8. I'm with Wiccan--it is my belief that evil cannot posses a person unless they give their power away. It's all the belief. Believe you can be, and you can be, believe you can't, and evil has no power over you. the mind IS that powerful. So, there really is nothing YOU can do... only the possessed person can do it.

    And honestly? I don't beleive people are ever really possessed, body and soul. I think if that's ever happened, it's extremely rare and the person possessed was really really really weak. But for the most part, I tend to believe that a spirit can make you THINK you're possessed, because if given enough of your personal power, they can affect your body and even use it (ala trance mediumship). In which case, it goes back to belief. I also think with people like that, it's also about the choices they make. You always have a choice.  

    But... I will say a prayer for you and your family. Peace, love and light

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