
If u knew u were going to be dead by tomorrow what's the last thing ud like to do ,?

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If u knew u were going to be dead by tomorrow what's the last thing ud like to do ,?




  1. If I knew i would be dead tomorrow the last thing I would do is go to hospital and make sure when I am dead they take everything from my body to help others like taking my Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, and so on that way I would know that even in death I helped others in a special way :) x

  2. answer a question here or look to see if mine was the best:)

  3. Say goodbye to my family, eat a good meal, and make love to a beautiful woman.

  4. I'd be selfish and demand that my family and best friends stayed close to me. I'd hate to die alone, and ideally, I want my loved ones' faces to be the last I see before I die.

  5. i would smoke some weed chill and not go to work or full fill any obligations for the entire day before and the day of my death i would just relax and do whatever i felt like doing at that very moment because i wouldnt have to deal with any concequences like being fired or w/e im a fairly good person so i wouldnt really need to worry about any of them after death and smoking weeds not a sin so yea i would just chill it and relax that way i wouldnt be so upset and worried about death it would actually be very nice

  6. I would search for a nice serene place, where my body should be buried. Place all the things I loved there and make everything ready for my final journey to the absolute rest, after incessant trials and tribulations in my  life.

  7. Kill a terrorist / murderer / dictator / fanatic islamic leader.  More than one if possible.

    If I'm going down, I'm taking someone who deserves do go down with me.  Besides, it's fun to go out with a bang, and do the world some good at the same time.

  8. id want to find a wicked beautiful view and just sit their listening to music tripping hard on shrooms, and just be filled with complete bliss as i slowly fade into death, then my brain would release DMT (which is a chemical that makes you trip harder than acid and is in all plants and animals, only active during our dreams, death, and maybe birth [for the baby] )

  9. I would not change today's date!

  10. I  would find a better physician.

  11. Throw a BIG party with Fireworks!!!

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