
If u love som1, and that person betrays u and knows that u can't live without that person, what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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i love that person so much that i really cant live without, and that person knows that and betrays me, so its like my weak spot, so that person can do anything and know that i'll come running back,how do i become strong or should this keep on going? that person is everything to me




  1. I dated a man that knew whatever he did I would forgive him and he abused that time and time again. No matter what I said or did, he would keep abusing our relationship.

    The only resolution I came up with was to break the pattern and go cold turkey breaking my addiction to him. It sounds like you need to do the same thing. It will be the only way they'll respect you and learn they can't treat that way, plus it breaks you from that strange addiction you have towards this person.

    Good Luck

  2. they are doing it because they know you will take it,remmber these words,by glady knightmidnight train to georgia,I rather live in his world,than to be without him in mines,but I tell you one thang I will not be no one door mate either, are that you have low self estreem to feel you can't get no one else,it's ok for a women to be a p***y but it look bad for a man to be one.

  3. i am not an expert but been there and done that.

    you either sit there and continue surfer or stand up and move on.

    when some one injure you he/she scarfed you for life and there is not a thing to do about it. But you rather sit there and keep crying over it  or starting new life. It is never easy but you will make it if you try.

    I hate to say lot of fish in the ocean but go fish any way, never know you may catch one and it may be better than the one you got before

  4. but you are a rug to that person. Get up dust yourself off and move on. You need someone who will love you back.

  5. rotlmao

  6. Well you can do what I did and just wait until that person eventually kicks you to the curb. Then you can deal with that rejection as well. I totally feel for you. Love sucks and it is incredibly strong and controlling. But you know you need to get out of this toxic relationship. There is so much more for you out there but you will never find real love and someone who adores you and treats you with the respect you deserve until you walk away from this. You need to make a very strong decision. Get a good support system (friend) who will listen to you over and over in your pain and keep you from calling and texting and IMing. You need to send him a letter telling him that it's over and you don't want him to contact you anymore. You won't be strong enough to do it in person. You need to delete EVERYTHING - emails, texts, IM history that will take you back to that place. You box up everything in your room and home that reminds you of him. You get incredibly busy...i dont care if you're taking square dancing...get out of the house and be around people. You will drown when you are alone. Take some benedryl before you go to sleep so you will sleep. Change your music station so you aren't ambushed by songs that remind you of him. Make a pact with yourself that you will do a 60 day "he"tox. No contact at all for 60 days. That will make it easier than thinking you have to do it forever. In 60 days you can do it for another 60 days. You block him so that you can't get any emails, IMs or phone calls. Because if you do it will be pure torture for you. It will drag you back by his manipulative behavior only so that he can go back to the way he was. My guess is that he will very cruelly not care if you tell him you don't want to see him anymore. By the time guys get to this point they are way too cocky to give you the satisfaction of caring. Please get a book called "He's just not that into you". It will help you. Read other books that will keep you strong. Join a chat group about cheating partners and moving on for strength. You can't do this alone. You need friends! I doubt you will follow through with this but you really need to. The feelings of inadequecy and pain and betrayal that you are feeling right now will be your everyday feelings for the rest of your life if you don't cut loose from this. It will only get worse and in the words of Dr. Phil..."How's this working for you?" Best of luck to you.  

  7. you become a stronger person by moving on. I felt the same way when my fiancee cheated on me. As time moved on I didn't need the love or company of that person to live my life. I learned to love myself and believe in myself. Best of all, you learn how to make your next relationship better than the prior. Give it time and know that there's someone waiting that will love you and appreciate you for who you are.

  8. the other person is correct

    you are a doormat

    you lack self confidence

    you are weak

    we live in a planet of 6 billion people

    6 billion

    and you think you cannot find just another person to suit your needs?

    you do not think much of yourself if the person you "cannot live without" cheat on you

    and as such you do not have any room for such criticism if you hang on to such a person

    if you ever get the courage to leave, and to find yourself and like yourself

    you then will never settle for such a person ever again

  9. You CAN live without that person - you are choosing not to.  You do not have to put up with someone not treating you with respect.  You can choose to change your life.  Just make the decision and stay with it.  Line up some friends and activities to help you stay busy while you heal from the break-up, and keep your eyes open for the lucky person who will earn your loyality by treating you respectfully.

  10. You sound very needy and have no confidence.  No one should ever get that dependent on another as not to be able to live without someone.  You need major help, no one deserves to live like you are. It's YOUR problem, not his, he has his cake and is eating it too.

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