
If u missed a court date and now have a bench warrant what can happen if ur not a legal resident in ny?

by  |  earlier

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my friend was arrested last year, he had to go to court but 4got his court date. now the police are looking for him. they came to look for him but he wasnt home. They told me that if he didnt appear in court they were going to arrest him... if he makes a court appointment will he get deported?




  1. Either way,he will likely end up deported.

  2. Your friend made the mistake of not going to court to begin with. If the police are looking for him now, then he already has a warrant for his arrest (they typically don't just randomly search for people w/o reason). He HAD the chance of going to court, explaining his side of the story and possibly having the case dismissed. However, he will very possibly be deported now that he has a warrant. But who knows? New York is big. Maybe he can slip through the cracks until the 7 year warrant (provided it was a misdemeanor) runs out.

  3. Hopefully YES!!! He has proven that he is a criminal more than once, first by being here illegally and second by committing more crimes, he does not belong here and definitely needs to be deported!!!!!!!!!

  4. He better make a run for the border

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