
If u play monopoly, what do u like about it??

by  |  earlier

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  1. When you own just about everything, and have this great feeling of power over your oppenents. Its pretty sweet...until the game ends...

  2. its a very long game, however the idea is good. i like that face with the white moustache.

  3. I love it. except it takes to long. me and my cousins play it at 9:00 and somtimes end up quitting at 11:00

  4. not knowing whos goign to win

  5. i lyk the suspense of whether u get the property u need to get a monopoly, if sum1 else mite get it, if sum1 is about to land on ur space...

    in one word


  6. buying Park lane and Mayfair just to see my hubby's face because he knows he's going to get trounced.

  7. 1. I like how people who don't play with the proper rules complain about the game being too long.  (read the rules... there's no money for landing on free parking, and if you land on a property and don't buy it, it goes up for auction from the bank).

    2. I like the childhood memories it brings. I never play it anymore, Settlers of Catan has a similar trading aspect and is over in 45 minutes.

    3. It's cheap.

  8. how long it takes to finnish

  9. that you get to feel like the big real estate developer aka Donald Trump when you own the monopolies of Park Place and any other one with big rents from hotels on them when someone lands on them

  10. It's fun because you get to feel in power when you have a hotel on boardwalk and then your opponent lands on it and owes you $2000   nothing better!

  11. i lyk everything about it!

  12. i like how it seems like a real, little life that you're controlling.  but that **** gets old really quick.

  13. domination and the trading. im a great bargainer. i love those orange places... they are the reason why i loved the game at first. i use a lil strategy [if any]

  14. What I like about it is placing House and Hotels on my lots and stealing everyone else's money...O and of course winning! :)

  15. taking money from people in debt.

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