
If u throw up during Ramadan, does it break your fast?

by Guest58402  |  earlier

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If not, what if u rinse your mouth after wards?




  1. Yes, vomitting breaks for fast. But washing your mouth afterwards doesn't, because of course, we wash our mouths when we perform wudu. As long as none of the water goes down your throat, you should be fine.

  2. YES

    especially if its unintentional, cause it means you are sick and shouldn't be fasting at all.

  3. Yes.

    There are nine acts which invalidate fast:

    1. Eating and drinking

    2. Sexual intercourse

    3. Masturbation (Istimna) which means self abuse, resulting in ejaculation

    4. Ascribing false things to Almighty Allah, or his Prophet or to the successors of the Holy Prophet

    5. Swallowing thick dust

    6. Immersing one's complete head in water

    7. Remaining in Janabat or Haidh or Nifas till the Adhan for Fajr prayers

    8. e***a with liquids

    9. Vomiting

  4. yes it does

  5. yes

  6. Unintentionally or intentionally, the fast is broken with vomiting.  

  7. un-intentional vomit doesn't break ones fasting, but self-induced  vomit breaks ones fasting.

    if it is due to illness you can just gargle with water and continue your fasting.

  8. The following are the things that require Qada only:

       1. Eating or drinking intentionally. This includes non-nourishing items taken by mouth.

       2. Deliberately causing oneself to throw up.

       3. The beginning of menstruation or post-childbirth bleeding even in the last moment before sunset.

       4. Ejaculation for reasons other than sexual intercourse.

       5. Intending to break the fast before sunset even if one changes his mind, since intention is one of the pre-requisites of the validity of fasting.

       6. Eating, drinking or having intercourse after dawn on the mistaken assumption that it is not dawn yet. Similarly, engaging in these acts before Maghrib on the mistaken assumption that it is already sunset.

  9. if it is unintentionally throw up then not!!

    if you did on purpose then it breaks your fast!!

    What does not break the fast:

       1. If anyone forgets that he is fasting and eats or drinks, he should complete his fast, for it is only Allah who has fed him and given him drink.  (A Hadith from Muslim).

       2. Unintentional vomiting.

       3. Swallowing things which are not possible to avoid, such as one's saliva, street dust, smoke, etc.

       4. Brushing the teeth.

       5. Injection or intra-venous which is solely medical and not nutritional.

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