
If u were as rich as bill <span title="gates........................?">gates.......................</span>

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wat would u do with ur life tell me every detail wat car would u have, wat would ur house be like, were would u live anything u could think of.




  1. i would have a solid gold rolls royce driven by dale earnheardt (ya the dead guy cause i would dig him up and revive him cause i have that much money) living on top of my own man made mountain over lookin the whole planet with a driveway made out of people who would car surf my car up and down while i sit in the back with my laptop answering yahoo answers. thats the life baby

  2. I would give almost all of it away. I would pay my college loans back buy me a better house maybe made of brick but that&#039;s not important. And I&#039;d have a VW bug.

  3. Okay first off according to a new Forbes lists, Bill Gates is #2 and some guy in Mexico (don&#039;t remember his name) is now the richest man. But take Bill Gates $50 Billion for example. First I would move as far away as possible from my family because they would try to get every bit of it. Pay off my student loans in whole and still that would leave me $49,998,000 or so. But anyway, I would do some world class travelling and start a major charity or charities. I would do a lot philanthropy like he does and leave little to none for my family. (meaning my parents, sisters, and relatives) the only family members I would put in consideration are future children.

  4. If I was rich as bill gates, I would have everything in the world and no problems and I would probably be bored to death. To tell you the truth I don&#039;t want to be rich as bill gates I rather be poor and have something to look forward to all the time. That&#039;s much more fun than having everything you ever wanted.

  5. i would give abot a million 2 chartiy and i would aet a house in the middle of no were like in Bluff Utah. i would have an black outtie TT as mi car. i would donate houses to the rez. that be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I would just travel ALOT. I would Go EVERYWHERE

    i would have a nice house, but not like, enourmous with TOO much room. Nice house, nice furniture, nice car.

    Get a really good education, i would buy my way into Yale or something.

    I would spend money on private tutors to teach me All the languages of the world.

    I would HONESTLY give money to charities. specifically ones for helping children and other countries and medical advancements.

    i would wear only Coture clothing.

    and buy my way into awesome clubs and stuff.

  7. If I were as rich as Bill Gates I would make sure that every English speaking person had access to free spelling and grammar lessons.

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