
If u were being bullyed would u hit the bully?

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If u were being bullyed would u hit the bully?




  1. Only to defend myself..if I strike first, then I am the bully...

  2. Really, that depends a lot on the situation.  Generally, I advocate avoiding violence at all costs, but under specific circumstances, a self-defensive move might be necessary.

    Most bullies are mean because they lack self-esteem.  They derive pleasure from other's misery and pain.  If you have tried to negate that, and have exhausted other options (seeking help from a counselor, reporting the behavior, etc.), then you may want to consider defending yourself.  Make sure that you have reported the bullying to several different teachers on several different occasions, though, because you need for there to be a record of the abuses you are suffering.

    If you do defend yourself, be prepared to get into trouble for doing so.  Bullies often avoid getting into trouble because they bully others without retribution.  Once you hit back, someone is more likely to notice and step in.

    Good luck.

    : )  P

  3. hard question  yes and no is right if you don't hit back they don't stop but if you do then you are no better than them

    as a mum of a child that was persecuted at school  hitting back was never going to work ,as there was to many of them .... but his older brother was hit once and hit the other kids back and was never picked on again so there's not a straight answer

  4. Not if I could avoid it.  But I'd be sure he received some consequences equal to his actions.

  5. no it only makes you worse than the bully, just because someone does something stupid does not mean that you have to do the same stupid thing. Walk away or ignore they hate this and makes them angry, this is what he is trying to do, so do it back just don't lower your standards.

  6. No, I would ignore the bully. After the bully isn't paying attention to you, I would tell an adult. Being a bully is really being jealous of you.

  7. Most of the time - no. I just put up with all the bullying and being beaten up.

    But when things got too much I hit one of my bullies very hard and this person got a bust lip.

    After that I was never bullied again.

    This was at school.

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