
If u were having twins what would u call them?

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im 38 & 3dayz pregnant with my twins im calling them Aimee Amelia Rose & Sophie Layla Grace..

so what would u call them iif it was down to u

also what are the chances that i will go overdue :(




  1. Your chances of going overdue are very small. My twins came at 36 weeks 6 days.  

    I like:

    Sylvie & Esme

    Sadie & Eleni

    Sidony & Elodie

    Sabine & Evadne

  2. They shouldn't let you go overdue with twins.

    I love Sophie, it's one of the seetest names I've heard of, like Layla as well.

    Really like Aimee too, don't like Amelia, think that's just because I know someone called Amelia who is really horrible.

    Nice names, go for it and good luck! x

  3. Holy, 38 weeks, your a trooper! Good for you, I doubt you'll go past due though. It's really unusual to even make it to 40 weeks. It'll come soon, be prepared for a few days of labor on and off though. I had fraternal boys and named them Ori Joshua and Matthias Leor (Ori and Leor have a similiar meaning in hebrew). Very long names I must say, I'm not sure I like the doubel A name. I'd personally remove the Amelia (or Aimee, I think Amelia Rose sounds more fluid) and the Layla (unless they're there for family purposes), simply because I think the names flow better than without the extra name. Either way I'm sure they'll be happy with their names, they can always choose to go by whichever one they find to their liking. Good luck and enjoy the madness soon to be upon you.

  4. Isabelle & Francesca or Charlotte

    James and Jack

    or Isabelle & Jack

  5. I would name then

    Katelyn Eloise and Alexis Tayla

    they would be my Katie and Lexie :)

    good luck and congrats.

    Beautfiul names by the way

  6. No Idea.

    My daughter is Madison Olivia...

    possibly for girls...

    Liliana Isabelle & Kendra Leigh

    and for boys:

    Ryan Nicholas Jr. & Nathan Elijah

  7. girls:

    Keegan Rae

    Laiytin Kennedy


    Haylen Parker

    Ryder Jacob

  8. Oh very pretty names I love them, as far as going over due usually with twins that doesn't happen but who knows

  9. Well I might do Pearl and Juliana (call her Jules) if they were my first borns, because i know I would need Pearl, and Pearl and Jules sound nice together, I also think Brittany and Brandy go really well together, and so do Etta and Brittany (Bree)...

    So yeah, first choice would be Pearl Iliana and Juliana Cecile

  10. Girls:

    Kelly-Anne Lee

    Jamie Lee


    Joshua Dean

    Daniel James

    Boy and a girl:

    Jamie Lee

    Daniel James

    I was pregnant with twins and they were 4 months premature but i lost my baby boy.

    But anyway its very unlikely that u will be overdue

    Good luck


  11. Girls

    1. Luella

    2. Tallulah


    1. Gethin

    2. Aled

  12. I presonally would name mine Nicholas and Isabella (if they were 1 boy 1 girl)

  13. Girls:   Audrey & Belinda

    Boys: Nicholas & Diminic

    Girl/Boy:  Audrey & Nicholas

    You may overdue, theres reallyno way to tell!

    My mum had twins and she went 5 days over due.  She called them Kirsty & Heather :]

    Good Luck!!

  14. The fact that you're over 38w already is great!  I think they'll come before their due date.  Just a guess.  

    I'd name my twins Amelia and Layla.  Those are my favourite names of the ones you listed.  It's nice that your names don't rhyme and aren't too fancy or silly!

  15. for one girl Kaitlyn Victoria, for the other girl Madison Louise

    for a boy twin Reece Andrew ( my sons name)

  16. Twins are usually early but who knows with babies :-)

    I am pregnant with just one baby and if a girl i plan to call her Summer Caitlin.

    If i was having twin girls i would call them either Summer and Scarlett or Summer and Nicole or Summer and Sophia.

    Aimee and Sophie are both very pretty names!

    If my babs is a boy i plan to call him either Mason or Harrison so for twins i would use both :-]

    Congratulations to you x

  17. if it was girls i would name them

    Ashely (Ashley) Marie

    Kayla Dianne

    if it was boys i would name them

    Joshua Richard

    Skyler William

    if it was a girl and a boy i would name them

    Ashely Marie

    Joshua Brian

  18. Hey i AM pregnant with twins.

    I'm calling them

    Isabella Morgan and Autumn Rosalie.

    Funny, i've been told that im most likely to go into labour at 36 weeks, and that it is advisable that i book in for a c-section, whihc i really dont want to do.


    Good Luck!


    EDIT: Heyy. I'm 29 weeks on Tuesday! Gorgeous names by the way!

  19. Well I'd name my twins Alaina Elizabeth and Brenna Katherine. From your combos I'd rather see just Amelia Rose and Sophia Grace.  

  20. Girls:

    Peyton Kelly

    Morgan Gabriella


    Thomas Jordan

    Dylan Kyle

    Girl and Boy:

    Morgan Peyton

    Thomas Dylan

    My children are Paige Danielle, Mackenzie Alexis and Nicholas Sean.

  21. Aw congratz!!!! And the names are beautiful.. i really like Amiee Amelia Rose!! Hopefully you wont be overdue! But you know what girls are like.. always late :P

    Good luck x

    I always find it odd to get a thumbs down on an answer like that???

  22. If I had twin girls I would name them Olivia Leigh and Sophia Marie. I just like the names Olivia and Sophia and plan on using them. Leigh and Marie are my sisters middle names and I'm going to use some combination of the two for my first daughter.

    Your names are cute!

    I doubt you'll go much farther since you're having twins. Most are preemies. You could probably have them any day now.

  23. Cassidy & Taylor,

    Cassidy Rae,

    Taylor Mae,


    Cassidy Mae,

    Taylor Rae,

  24. B & G

    Jack & Ella

    Jack David & Ella Jordan (OR Ella Grace)

    G & G

    Elsie & Lydia

    Elsie Mae & Lydia Rose

    B & B

    Jack & Jordan

    Jack David & Jordan Paul

    Can I just say I adore Layla Grace ... and Spohie Layla Grace is fantastic!!



  25. I love your names! I would call mine Maya and Rose (g/g), Maya and Callum (g/b), Callum and Mason (b/b).

    Good luck! :)

  26. I like thosee names. :D


    Chloe Anne.

    Riley Kate.


    Cohen Ray.

    Riley James.


    Chloe Anne.

    Cohen Ray.

  27. Love your names for your twins by the way!

    For a boy/girl I would call them Joshua Eric and Kierra Margretta

    For girl/girl they would be called Jasmine Dawn and Tiegan Margretta

    For a boy/boy I would call them Joshua Eric and Kyran Lee

    My brother is the father of twins and they were born naturally at 37 weeks.

    They were:

    Caleb Kenneth weighing 4Ibs 4oz


    Kaci- Lee May weighing 5Ibs 2oz

  28. briley alyssa grace

    madasyn dakota mae:]

    i like two middle names too

  29. BG: Edward and Emily, or Robert and Alice.

    GG: Rosalie and Grace, or Serenity and Wrinrey

    BB: Jasper and Ken, or Alex and Tyler.

  30. I'm expecting twins too, they are due in January :D

    I think your names are lovely, Aimiee & Sophie are great twin names, as they have the 'ee' ending. Both are very pretty names.

    My niece's name is Amy too. I love it.

    My twin's are going to be called.

    Lily May & Heidi Rose





  31. Cute names!

    If I was having two girls, I would name them:

    Kaerri Sinead (Kaerri pronounced "Kay-Ree")


    Amelie Grace  

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