
If u won the the lottery what would be the first thing u would buy?

by  |  earlier

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If u won the the lottery what would be the first thing u would buy?




  1. I would buy nitro-glycerin.....i would prolly be having a heart attack.

    Then snowcone machine.  I always wanted one.

  2. A bad *** race horse, so I can gamble some more :)

  3. A Larger House

  4. Kill my wife

  5. time with a financial planner

  6. Get fired from my job.

  7. Colledge for my newborn

  8. depending on how much, shares in my favourite football (soccer) team. i said football as i am scottish

  9. a new butt for my wife :)

    I'm all about giving

  10. a family vacation

  11. a better computer!

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