
If under 21, can you have alcohol at your wedding?

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My boyfriend and I plan to get married when I finish school and I should be about 20. Since I would be under 21, can we have alcohol there? And can I get in trouble for underage drinking? I don't drink, I have a 16 month old that I take care of but I would like some wine or something at my wedding...




  1. I was 20 when I got married and we had alcohol there.  If you drink and get caught you will get fined.  Either wait until you are 21 or don't drink.

  2. If you want alcohol at your wedding, you should wait to get married when you're of legal age. Sorry, but that's how it is.

    If you are having your wedding at an actual venue like a hotel or something, your venue could sue you if they found out that you were drinking at your wedding underage. Most contracts will have "underage drinking" clauses. If you went to a family's backyard or something, or even a state park, and concealed it well, you could maybe get away with it.

  3. Is your boyfriend (funny how you don't say Fiancee) over 21. He will have to sign contracts. You are under 21 period. No drink for you. The hall is actually held responsible if they let you drink. If you are caught they could shut down the party and keep your money. After all, yuo signed a deal for no alchohol for underage/minor.

    I'm a wedding videographer and recent wedding groom.

    If you want to try and have alchohol it's best to try a less swanky place. They may not be as attentive. The nicer the place the more focused they will be. You may even have to pay for security at th swankier places.

  4. Yes, you can serve alcohol.   As for drinking it, I don't see why not.  Unless the venue is super strict.  If you are the only under aged person drinking, I don't think they are going to stop you, especially since you are the bride.  Plus, I've never heard of a reception venue being raid by the police for under aged drinking, have you?    As long as your responsible, I don't see why not.  It's not like you have the intention of getting wasted at your own wedding.

    I dont' see how anyone would stop the bride from having a glass of wine at her own wedding, but don't make it too known.  Also, it shoud be ONLY you drinking.  No young siblings, friends or cousins.  This drinking exception is for you and you only and I'm talking 1 glass, don't be getting 2 or 3...that's pushing the exceptation to the rule.

  5. You can have it there but if YOU drink yes you can get in trouble and so could the venue that served it to you so chances are they wont even give you it.

  6. You can have wine at your reception if the venue has a liquor license but anyone under 21 CANNOT drink.  This includes the bride and groom.  If it's that important to you to have some wine or champagne, wait until you're 21 to get married.  Twenty is too young anyway.  I don't care if you have a baby with the guy.  Wait until you're older.  It's better to be a happy couple that isn't married than to be an unhappy married couple that may divorce in a few years because you married when you were too young and weren't fully matured yet.

  7. waite a year or less to enjoy that privledge... not only will you be "legal" but you can save more money for your wedding.. you can have alchohol at your wedding if you careful who is served! people can get in ALOT of trouble.

  8. no. you are underage. 21 is the law, not 20 even if it is your wedding day.

  9. I think that some venues, if the person signing the contract is under 21 than they will not allow alcohol  to be served. if the person is over the signs or if the venue allows you at have alcohol, YOU are not allowed to drink. You are under age even if you have a child. The law is the law.

  10. It depends on the state. I think some states, if your spouse is over 21, you are allowed to drink.  Texas, I think.  Anyways, check your local laws.  Otherwise, have the reception at home or something.  Then you won't have The Man on your case *wink*.

  11. Yes, you can have it, but  your family will have to order it and take responsibility for it.  I've been to lots of 20ish weddings and there has been alcohol.  Be smart and don't be a drunk!  Don't worry Alcohol enforcement will not jump out of the cake!  

  12. Come to Canada or even better Europe where the drinking age is sensible ( just kidding, that's not very helpful at all)

    If you have to have a bar service you can by all means. However the venue may not allow you to drink ( if they know how old you are) I don't know what sort of venue you are having but you may be able to have wine at your table any way. I live in Canada so I'm not sure about the legal restrictions in the United States. In my province an under aged individual is allowed to consume wine in their own home or a private residence with permission.  If you're getting married in someone's home this shouldn't be an issue but at a hall or hotel it may be. I've had wine poured for me at weddings when I was under the legal age and many times under aged bride's maids were allowed to have wine for toasts and dinner with out anyone causing a fuss. They didn't drink at the bar mind you but no one said anything about during the meal .  

  13. Who ever is sponsoring this event will be responsible for any under age drinker.If they become ill, leave and have an accident, or if someones parents gets upset .It doesn't matter , who ever buys the alcohol and lets minors have it. Think of it this way, if you don't have control over how much people drink and they leave your wedding and have a bad accident, would you want that for a wedding memory. When ever alcohol is involved there are so many things to take into consideration.If all you have is a wine toast you maybe able to control things, another thing is you can look up the laws on the Internet for your state and maybe that will help with your decision.Most places will not serve anyone under age,the guest that are of age can have a toast, you and anyone else under age may have to have sparkling cider. Good Luck and congratulations on your up coming marriage.

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