
If universal Health Care goes through...?

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Ok, if obama becomes president, and universal health care goes through, will that mean that doctors will be making much less money than they do now?

2nd question: How can he ever get a bill like this passed. Universal health care will cost a ton of money, but he must know what he's doing if he proposed it.?




  1. Health care is provided people in all civilized countries.  But here the AMA is so strong it keeps those doctors few in number and expensive.  You have an irregular heart and you get to build some doctor his next swimming pool.  And if you can't pay, they'll take your house.  They got no shame - they got lawyers.

    Right wingers love this system for some reason.  Perhaps they never get sick and forced into bankruptcy .  Maybe they can always afford "health" insurance - which you often find doesn't cover what happened to YOU.  

    If we are going to change this to something more sensible, we're going to have to fight like the Spartans to get it done.  The Insurance companies, the dope companies, the AMA, all of Bush's rich friends - they'll all be dead set against it.  

    Ill health makes BIG BUCKS for right wingers.

  2. First obama will not be President.

    But if he does, watch your wallets, he will tax everything. He will even tax you every time you go to the bathroom.

    obama would make a good fry cook or toilet bowel scrubber. That is about all he is qualified to do.

  3. not to worry it will never come to be

  4. No it shouldnt effect doctors. And unless your filthy rich it shouldnt effect your taxes as obama only intends to increase taxes on the top two percent of the country. All that will change is if you want health care you can get it and it will be of the same quality health care as received by senators. There is no mandate so if you can't afford it there will be no fine unless you have children in which case you do have to purchase it for them. Health care prices will be reduced along with very low deductibles. It will definately be difficult to pass, but with a prodominately democratic legislative branch its definately possible.

  5. There probably won't be any change in doctors salaries.  I don't see why it won't be passed, we've wasted our money on a bunch of useless c**p, at least this will actually do some good.

  6. First many politicians really know what exactly will happen from legislation that they propose?  Obama never states anything about how he will PAY for it so it never comes up.

    Secondly, yes, Dr. will be getting a raw deal...

    This is all a plan to help "unify" medical care in both Canada and the USA so they can force the North American Union easier.

    This does not bode well for Americans.

  7. IF Obama gets elected into office and IF a nbational healthcare system gets passed it will either...

    A) Cost us a significant amount of money in taxes.


    B) Be a watered down version of healthcare coverage which people will ignore and still use insurance companies....but guess what, we'll still have higher taxes.

  8. There are many types of universal healthcare. Full-blown socialized medicine like NHS would regulate the pay of doctors. A healthcare mandate would actually help doctors. That plan would force individuals to buy health insurance. It would be illegal to go without it. That is obama's plan. Doctors will probably be in better shape under Obama. His plan was formulated by doctors' lobbies.

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