
If universal health care is such a great idea, then why don't Hillary, Obama, Edwards, Soros, and the ?

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Hollywood elite get together, throw a fund raiser, contribute their own money to the cause, create a trust fund to support universal health care, and turn the trust over to Congress?




  1. Their own money?   Not yours?  This must be a rhetorical question.

  2. The only reason some people cannot afford healthcare is because we have health insurance. If we eliminate insurance we will deflate the bloated cost of healthcare which will in turn result in more people being able to pay for healthcare.

    Just try explaining that to a Socialist Liberal though... those guys want the government to be in charge of everything because, you know, they do such a tremendous job with everything.

  3. Because they rather use and spend your money over their money.

  4. Universal Health-Care is not a good idea. It's awful.

    My friend from England's son, who was 11, was born with a hole in his heart. Operations can easily close them, but Antony only got one operation, when he needed more. He never got another one, because the line was too long. He died April 27th, 2008. The Coroner from Yorkshire called it an asthma attack.

    Richie, my other friend pays $500 a month, not a year for Universal Health-Care taxes in England, and he and his two kids are not eligable to receive any health-care because he makes too much money as a Postal worker.

    Gill, and Richie are my real personal friends.

    Dean had a few family member die waiting for operations, too. He's from Canada.

  5. Not that simple.

    Too much money is made by our broken system, they won't give it up.

    Opponents to universal health care: how could you be opposed to everyone getting treatment instead of millions uninsured and millions more under insured?

    You think health should only be for certain people?

  6. "Did you know that 68% of the people of England have NEVER been to a dentist? Why? Because they can't get an appointment"

    I'm from England and everyone I know goes to the dentist. We can get it PRIVATELY as well you known - people don't HAVE to go to an NHS dentist if they don't want to. I go to a private dentist. But many people can't afford to go privately and surely it's better to have an optional free service than no service at all? Also children under 16 get free orthodontic treatment so SHUT UP about our supposedly bad teeth - mine are perfectly straight, healthy and white!!! People who have bad teeth are usually the older generation from a time when dental care wasn't so important. All my (15 year old) friends have good teeth, and so does my mother.

    Perhaps I'll just say all Americans are gun-wielding, obese lunatics, and see how you like gross generalisations.

    Anyway, I'd rather have bad teeth than die because I don't have the money to pay some greedy health care company for insurance. What about the guy on "Sicko" who lost a finger because he couldn't afford the money to have it saved? We may have long waits for certain operations but at least everybody get seen too. We don't turn people away because they're not rich enough. We don't save someones life and then make someone re-mortgage their house to pay for it afterwards. We don't put a price on LIFE.

    Oh, and also, we can pay to go privately if we want to, for those who don't want to be on the NHS. So everyoen gets what they want.

    America will never have universal health care because it prefers to suck up to the big companies and not to it's vunerable citizens. America prefers money to humanity.

  7. Because it would not have enough money.

    Look at the facts.

    FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare per person than any other nation on the planet.

    FACT - the USA has one of the highest death rates for kids aged under five in the developed world.

  8. Because they just use the Universal Healthcare idea to pander for votes. They all know it will be managed and rationed care which means when you are sick, you won't get any care at all. It will be horrible and brought to you by the same people that couldn't even get passports printed without a 6 month delay. Imagine how that would work for healthcare. How about socialized groceries? Imagine how that would work if you could enter a grocery store and take out what you want. It is the same principle. It just won't work and they know it. England has socialized medicine and free dental. Did you know that 68% of the people of England have NEVER been to a dentist? Why? Because they can't get an appointment.

  9. Are you crazy?  You know good and well that libs only spend other peoples money!  And I can guarantee you that if by some trickery, they manage to get Universal Health Care into this country, they and their colleges won't be covered by it.  Just remember, under Universal Health care, surgery is planned for after your death and the seniors have no coverage at all (after all, we've lived our lives).  But I'd still like to know why we need Universal health care?  The wealthy don't need it.  The middle class has coverage and the unemployed have medicaid.  The only ones I can think of are the working poor.  Why not find a way for them to get insurance?  Guess that won't bring in the votes!

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