
If uoija board is so bad why did the why did they make it nd how did they even come up with it?

by  |  earlier

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p.s. if you have played did you ever ask about life more than us?




  1. A ouija board is just a game, a piece of wood or cardboard or plastic that you can buy in many kid's toy store.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using them make them work.  Your imagination plays tricks on you - the imagination is powerful, especially when you want to believe something.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards.

  2. It's spelt "ouija".... Although it looks like "wee-ya" it's actually pronounced "Wee-gee", it's actually a derivative of 2 different languages, French(Oui) & German(Ja) which roughly(or not) interpreted mean yes!, yes!! And i'm figuring the mystics(gypsies) of the time which comprised of a gaggle of ethnicities(Hint:Germans & French) amongst others.., thought of it as a good way to channel spirits. I don't think it was considered to be bad, The Exorcist just stigmatized it...

  3. lol those things have been around for ever!! and yes i have one there pretty creepy tho i have asked about ghosts and where i put my cellphone! lolz

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