
If ur a believer in the paranormal,what experience[s]did u have?WERE u a scientific minded sceptic b4hand?

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meant SKEPTIC,heehee




  1. yep i believe in the spiritual world, ive heard angels singing, heard jesus speak to me he said "youre forgiven", seen 2 ghosts and i use to get entity attacks since i was 15,  havnt had one since last year im 22 now. Was i a sceptic b4?, no i couldnt prove there was the other side out there but i knew what my gut was telling me. it doesnt matter if people believe you or not, all that will matter is whether youre cool with yourself believing the spiritual world is out there cause it is. Its different for other people who havnt experienced the spiritual realm because they cant really get what those of us who have been through it, have been through. But they will have that gut feeling too themselves

  2. I dont know what this is but I know doctors would of excused it as sleep paralysis.

    But first let you tell me this otherwise it wont make sense.

    Four years ago at 4am me and my brother who share a room both woke up to hearing someone running around downstairs in my house very scary and it was gradually moving towards the stairs (we know where someone is by the noises on the floorboard) then my dad in another room was awake as we could hear him open his door as the noises were coming upstairs as soon as he opened the door the noise stoped he checked downstairs no one was even there. But it woke all three of us up from deep sleep and we all heard it.

    Anyways 4 years later which was this year me and my brother couldnt sleep all night I kept trying but ended up waking up. Again around 4 am i was able to close my eyes for more than 5 minutes and I quickly began dreaming. The dream- I was running in the Savana of Africa like a cheetah running on my hands and feet fast in the position of a four legged animal then I ran and stopped in front of this man dressed like a Zulu warrior he had cheetah skin around him spire etc. The the background around him changed and weirdest thing ever happened in my dreams. I had the memory of that day 4 years ago and it was that man who was ruining around my house but then he made it upstairs and was in my hallway right outside my room when suddenly something woke me up but not in a good way. I coudnlt move so I began to get scared i couldnt open my eyes for long so I was blinking very fast then I noticed I couldnt even breath I began to get scared to I tried to get my brothers attention by banging the wall but couldnt move I tried shouting nothing it was like I was holding my breath nothing came out my throat no air no voice. I could feel someone sitting on my chest plus my hands were by the side clenched fists legs were straight and had all my senses. But I felt a strong presence that someone or something was trying to kill me after a while I began to give up thinking I was going to die then suddenly I could move and breath I got straight out of bed and stayed up for 2 days scared to sleep again.

    I know whoever that man was he attempted to kill me or take my spirit I dont know 4 years ago but failed but this year was able to come into my room and attempt to but failed again. Also the same week I did something really bad which makes me think if you do something that bad you open yourself up to bad spirits.

  3. I was to young to be scientific when I first started having paranormal experiences, but I did chock it up to imagination, until about 10.

    At 10 I knew what was real and imaginary, and these were real. I saw misty shadows at Gettysburg, had a life changing experience in the Castillo at St. Augustine. This happened in the same year.

    Now that I am older, I definitely take a scientific approach, but I use common sense more than anything.

    I feel that I know ghost exist, but not every noise is a haunting. More often it is something else.

  4. Why did you bother to go and correct the word skeptic but none of the other words that you misspelled?

    I'm not a believer in the paranormal so don't flag my answer.

  5. I always try to find the logic behind any haunting.

    But the home I grew up in had a lot of unexplained activity.

    And when other family members and friends experience the same things, one can no longer say their eyesight was playing tricks on them.

    Now when I go to an investigation, I do everything plausible to find an explanation behind the haunting.

    Sometimes I can, and sometimes I can't.

    I've had some really bad feelings in places.

    But I've never been personally attacked.

    I think the worst I ever had done to me was getting my hair yanked.

  6. i can't understand what you have written

  7. i was always in touch with spiritual i have accurate dream premonition since i was little girl 2 years ago i had near death exp and it open something new unfamiliar i started to see shadows blurry shapes had some negative exps and most of all sometimes i just can predict what people are going to say it's crazy but i was testing my self and many times i was wright but still i'm going to see a doctor cause i tend to be depressed it could be a medical condition and yes i like facts scientific explanation maybe health issue

  8. I definitely believe!  I've had too many experiences to tell here, but my first experience was when I was a child and my grandfather used to come and visit me.  Since then I've seen many ghosts and have been doing paranormal investgations for a long time.  I was never a skeptic.

  9. I used to want "proof"...then I got TOO MUCH. Now I wish I'd never asked for proof.

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