
If ur background is from the caribbean and u were born in america r u american?

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cuz disgirl think she big n bad cuz she from da carribean and she think she culd whoop every 1 but trust she neva fought me so wats da ansa and i kno its yes but i needa hear it from hundreds of ppl




  1. i was born in america and my parents are from puerto rico so we're american anyway but me being born here is sorta the iceing on the cake.

  2. I get this all the time. I'm from Brooklyn and Caribbean people think they are better than me because I am southern instead of from an island. Anyway if she was born here than yes she is American if she wasn't than obviously not. But don't let her ignorance get to you. She is just being petty.

  3. Yeah pretty much. My parents are from Trinidad, but I was born here, so that makes me an American.

  4. If she is a citizen of the US, then she's american. If she lives in the Caribbean, and was just born here, then she's really not american. That's like saying because my background is German, then im German, not American.

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