
If ur talking 2 some1 and convo gets awkward, wht do u say?

by  |  earlier

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or wht r good wayz 2 start a conversation??




  1. if the cono gets awkward, say so. you'll probably end up sharing a laugh.

  2. Well, to start a convo say: Hi,

    then wait for reply of : Hi

    Then say : You Okay? or U K or You K

    WAit for reply, if: Yea, You? or along those lines

    Reply with how your feeling

    If Answer to You Okay is : Not Really etc.

    Then say: Whats wrong?

    And go from there.

    After You okay you can then say : wuu2? (What You Up To?)

    And that will eventually lead somewhere.

    If a Convo gets awkward then say: brb (be right back)

    Then wait a while then announce your back

    when they say "cool" or "hi" or whatever then say you were doing something eating or whatever and lead a convo from there.

    Good Luck =]

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