
If uyou could pick one wrestler to come back who would it be.?

by  |  earlier

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wq//- do u think kevin nash is still recovering from the finger poke of domme from hulk hogan , that just looked deadly. and how am i doing as a new user i almost have 1,000 points




  1. The Extreme Icon Rob Van Dam!

  2. stone cold does funny stuff

  3. Eddie








    Kane (masked)

    bad *** taker the one were he is on the moterbike

  4. Stone Cold Steve Austin without a doubt

  5. Probably Stone Cold or The Rock

    WA: idk, maybe

    I guess your doing pretty good, keep it up

  6. the rock, stone cold, or terry funk

  7. i would bring back Bret the Hitman Hart the best there is the best there was the best there will ever be!

    lol finger poke was hilarious...he's still injured recovering

  8. The man that made Milwaukee famous the one the only The Crusher

  9. The Rock

  10. good maybe and um Rock

  11. Id pick pick Stone Cold Steve Austin, because all of his feuds were always interesting!  And he was funny as heck!

  12. Chris benoit.

    Eddie Latino heat (i cant spell his last name)

  13. The Texas Rattlesnake and The Rock. Both are awesome and if either came back ratings would go up again. But then again I do not want Stone Cold back because I cant be greedy. He has an injury and wrestling would make it even more worse for him. His own well being is more important then us. If he comes back and gets injured it would be horrible and I hope that does not happen so I pick The Rock. Yeah you are doing good seeing that you came a few days ago.  

  14. owen hart or eddie guerrrero R I P both

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