
If vegetarians are against eating meat then why do they eat 'meat flavourings' like in crisps etc...??

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huh huh ????




  1. Actually, I don't like many 'meat flavoring' stuff.

  2. The meat flavoring used for crisps is artificial, it says so on every package (I'm assuming your in the UK because you called them crisps), that's why they have the 'green v' on the bag - which means that it's suitable for vegetarians and approved by the vegetarian society.

  3. Because meat tastes good... duh

    You can be an animal rights person or someone just trying to be healthy while still missing the flavor and aroma of burgers or chicken tenders.

  4. we dont eat anything flavored by meat.

  5. mental insanity brought about by a tofu diet.

    fyi recent research shows that eating meat substitutes can lower your life expectancy by a decade.

  6. i don't know any vegetarians who eat food that has "meat flavoring" which i'm guessing you mean like chicken stock or beef fat...

    as for "fake" meat flavoring, such as veggie burgers and such there's already a million questions on this and i don't know why it's so difficult... we like the taste but dont' want to eat a dead animal esp. not one that was abused and tortured and suffered before it died just so that we could have that taste.

  7. Well i would have thought it would be quite obvious but its because animals weren't killed to make them, they are not meat, it is fake.

  8. If the flavorings aren't from an animal then no animal was harmed. Ever think of that? Huh huh???

    If the flavorings do come from an animal that has been harmed, it isn't vegetarian and they would avoid it.

    Vegetarians do not eat animal flesh.

  9. meat flavored crisps?  That's gross.  If there is no animal by product in these crisps..then they are OK to eat if that's what floats your boat

  10. I don`t eat any meat flavourings...not even soup packages, most of them contain MSG anyways.Many Asian flavourings are like that, ( the noodle soups), MGS give me severe headaches.. I don`t eat gravy, or gelatin.

  11. There are all sorts of vegatarians,... I do not eat red meat however I do eat poultry and fish,.Probably more fish than chicken and more turkey than chicken,...that's my def of a veg'tarre


  12. I get what you are saying, but most vegetarians don't like the taste of meat, nor meat flavours. If it happens to be in a thai chicken flavour, and there is no animal fat in it, then it is just an alternative to a relatively limited pallet. There are only so many falvours of the savory sort that is veggie flavoured - the rest is protein based : seafood or turf. To avoid anything that tastes meaty flavoured or greasy is the vegan path... tsk tsk...

  13. I always wondered that. Tofu burgers that taste like the real thing? And they are going for the vegetarian market, because they always state on the package"suitable for vegetarians".

  14. I'm vegan because I'm opposed to animal exploitation, not because I'm opposed to the taste of bacon.

    If a food is cruelty-free, then who cares what it tastes like?

  15. There are certainly different degrees of being a vegetarian. And not all vegetarians choose to be so because of animal cruelty issues. There are many health and environmental benefits to not eating meat, which have some people who have no qualms about wearing leather turning to a meat-free lifestyle.  

    Also, there are lacto-ovo vegetarians (who eat eggs and milk), many of whom aren't as concerned about tertiary meat flavorings and the like.

    However, if someone is a big animal activist, then they probably exclude all meat-related products from their diet, and follow a more vegan lifestyle.

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