
If venus were ocean what would happen?

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If Venus once had an ocean, where did it go?

Answer: a. It exists as abundant water vapor in the planet's atmosphere.

b. It was lost to space.

c. The water broke into hydrogen, which escaped to space, and oxygen, which became trapped in the planet's surface rocks.

d. It exists trapped in the crust but below the surface.

e. It is all frozen, in the form of large polar ice caps.




  1. venus does have oceans... it has oceans of acid.... acid made by severe volcanic activity pushing out sulphur that mixes with the water and makes it extremely acidic.

    or i may be confusing a prior documentary saying if venus had the conditions to have liquid form on it's surface it would be completely acid filled oceans..

    it does indeed have acid precipitation.... so the answer is A

  2. I go with C.  

    A is wrong.  There is almost no water vapor in the atmosphere.  If you picked B, you are partially correct, but it is the hydrogen that escaped.  D is also partially correct, in terms of oxygen.  E know the rest.  

  3. We will not do your homework for you.

    Answers you recieve in this forum could be incorrect intentionally.

    You really need to study the subject matter, listen in class, and not cheat.

  4. Many answers are found by simply thinking about what you do know, not by finding the answers just sitting there waiting for you to find them written out with a "here is the answer" sign above them.

    Venus's atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide with some nitrogen and sulfuric acid clouds.  No water, so that eliminates A.

    Venus has a surface temperature of over 400 degrees C.  There can't be polar ice caps, so that eliminates E.

    It has been theorized that in its past Venus had a lot of water, but the heat evaporated it (creating a runaway greenhouse effect).

    So water vapour in the atmosphere would be broken apart by ultraviolet light from the sun into hydrogen and oxygen - the hydrogen would be lost to space and the oxygen would combine with carbon to form CO2, or with surface rocks.

  5. No water exists as liquid or solid form.

    Water vapor may be absorbed in gas/steam

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