
If water boarding isnt torture why not use it on all criminals to get information and confessions?

by  |  earlier

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I mean if the government holds that its not torture and therefore an acceptable practice why don't they use it on 13 year old girls caught shoplifting a pair of shorts? i mean its not cruel or unusual right?




  1. amen...

  2. Because the constitution states that a US citizen accused of a crime cannot be force to testify against himself.

    Another thing, the whole geneva convention thing only applies to soldiers in uniform. As terrorists are not in uniform, they should be considered spies, and can be tortured or killed.

  3. It depends on how long they can hold there breath..

  4. OSHA won't allow it. The floors are slippery when wet.  

  5. completely agree...they should use it on all criminals...and yes that includes 13 y/o shoplifters

  6. It is a very good idea to do so. The criminal lover lawyer has totally immunized his client from any responsibility. A prison guard cannot criticize one without losing his job. The criminal lover lawyer wants no one upsetting his good client, the vicious, mass murdering criminal.  

  7. Also include politicians who lie for wars. Because of those lying b*****s millions innocent people lost their lives.

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