
If we're in a recession, how can the gov't afford to give relief to 400,000 morons who can't pay the mortgages

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The mortgages THEY SIGNED?

If I had known the government would just bail me out, I might have purchases a half million dollar home a couple of years ago.




  1. This is part of the reason we're in a recession.  p**s-poor spending ideas by our leadership.

  2. Ineffective, careless and reckless government is to blame for the lack of oversight and accountability. This is just another case of blaming the victim. You say 400,000 morons...but the fraudulent perpetrators are quite clever in your book. Your assessment is so typical of morons. Seventy percent of Americans believe this war was a mistake...but it took only a handful of @ssholes at the top to say it was just. Iraq is draining our treasury at a bigger rate than 400,000 morons ever could.

  3. The recession is just a scam to try and push people further away from the Republican party.  The only reason all those people lost their homes is because they were living beyond their means.  The economy is in a slump, but it is definitely not a recession.

  4. They are trying to spend their way out of the recession... once again...

  5. This is a prime example of what is wrong with our federal government.  Politicians are doing whatever they think will get them the most votes in the next election.

    These bailouts are totally irresponsible.

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