
If we're the most protective parents, why 21 deaths?

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The UK has been officially cast as the most protective parents for their children. But while front gardens are empty and parents spend their time with their eyes glued to their children, where is it that children are getting the horrible moral constipation that has caused the majority of the 21 killings this year?

21 teenagers have been brutally murdered this year. 21! What are we lacking as parents?




  1. 18, not 21. And it's not the parents. Its the knife and gun stores. Their should be a 21 year old law on knife purchases and all guns should come through the MoD.

  2. Parents aren't looking at the 18 certificates, on Games, DVD's and CD's.


  3. They are f**** over protective. the kids neeed freedom for gods sake. i mean, they basicly control us until were 18. stupid. but some adults give us kids too much freedom. some get sexual abuse. you must care for your children, not bring thrm down.

    ---- from a kid's point of view.

  4. don't believe everything you  read.

    " eat everything they put on your plate eh ."

  5. We can't exactly keep our kids locked up. If they want to go out we can't stop them, its the other morons out there that think its ok to carry knives, guns etc and think it makes them look like e "big man" in front of all their mates.

  6. Being an overprotective parent is one thing. but they get to a certain age when you have to let go.

    I have 2 children 12 years apart! 1 is only 5 and the other is17, therefore the level of care and supervision is not the same for both. I am very protective of my little one and obviously, my older one is reaching adulthood and with that comes freedom.

    I doesn't mean I worry any less about the older one!

    I'm not sure of the exact number but most of the 21 have been over 16, so you cannot really put them in the same catagory as a children no longer being able to play out the front!

  7. Today kids are adults at eighteen,personally I do not believe they are prepared for the world even then. Is parents today overprotective? Some may be but I have heard of alot of them that aren't at all. There are two sides to this question or if you prefer two answers. 1. Yes and they should be the world is evolving in a self destructive manner all the time it is getting more and more dangerous and scary. Yet,as a parent my six yr old tells me that im too controlling but she has no idea the evils of the world I would love to give her the freedom I had as a kid but even then it wasn't safe. There was several times my friends and I were approached to help a man look for his lost kitten and that was twenty years ago!! Also,that man was not a family friend nor a family member a complete stranger I credit my teacher for teaching us not too fall for that though!!

  8. Parents are OVER protective nowadays, children aren't allowed to play outside, be photographed in public (even by their own parents), they are given antibiotics for the slightest sniffle (which makes them more prone to diseases), they are escorted to school, told not to answer strangers (which makes them unsociable and badly mannered).

    Children of the 50s and 60s had much better lives and were much healthier for not being 'wrapped in cotton wool'.

    I agree with 'lady of the n' too, discipline is sadly lacking in our society ,the liberal, PC, 'human-rights' lot are to blame.

    Parents nowadays think that germs, paedophiles (many more children are sexually abused by family members than by strangers) or dangers lie around every corner...sad really.

  9. Its a case of watching them too much but not instilling good discipline and morals whilst we are at it.

    I know of 12 year olds not allowed out to play in the street who are cossetted and wrapped up in brick cotton wool...they have no sense of responsibility and are as you say learning alot of their "morals" from the games they play on PlayStation's etc.

    Kids should be out climbing trees and playing knock down ginger like we did in my youth, ok we were little sods but we did not go around stabbing and maiming people, we had boundaries because we knew we would have the wrath of our parents if we crossed them.

    We also had respect for our teachers, their word was law, a clip round the ear always deterred me from acting up again in class.

    We are too soft and are creating a warped insular society where kids are not street wise or able to function without mummy and daddy.

    When the time comes to make hay they go wild, and they know the law or their parents will do nothing about it because the PC brigade have made it favourable for them to do as they please with no feeling for others.

    I'm so glad I am not a youth in this dangerous society.

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