
If we Humans could travel faster than time itself would we ever die of old age?

by Guest62637  |  earlier

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Scientists believe time is relevent so if you have two people, one stays on Earth but the other jumps in a spaceship an travels for five years, when they get back to earth that person would still be the same but person who stayed on earth would 50 years older, so what if the person in the spaceship traveled for 1000 years, then what? Maybe the UFO's we see are the people from the future, if any of that makes any sense.




  1. Each of the twins gets to have about the same amount of experienced time.  The one on the space ship gets to have their time stretched out, but it's still the same amount of experience.  They each die of old age after the same experience.

    UFO experiences do not appear to be aliens or anything else that's cool.  It appears to be simple mass-delusion.  Read Sagan's book, The Demon Haunted World, available in your local library for a really good discussion of why this is true.  He starts by taking it seriously.  Either we're being visited regularly by aliens, or we have mass hypnosis.  Either conclusion is extraordinary.  Therefore, extraordinary evidence is needed.

  2. you see, time travel doesn't work like that. if a person travelled forwards or backwards in time, his own clock would still tick just as it would normally - like he is in the eye of the storm, time flies by, but he stands still. time isn't linear, it can twist into any shape.

  3. Time is relative to the observer. So even if you were travelling at light speed, your body would still age at the same rate it as if you were standing still in the earth. Biological processes are governed through DNA. You won't live forever. Although to those who see you go bye bye in space at light speed will age tremendously quicker than you. It's a matter of you cheating time. But you are not immortal. Immortality is locked away in the genes or DNA. It's about biology to achieve immortality.

    You will still be the same you, no smarter, no taller and no slimmer, since you are still again at the same rate since your birth while travelling through the stars at light speed.

    If someone were to travel way out into space at light speed, but would want to come back to the time when you actually departed Earth, you would reclaim your time, by manipulating space time through dimensional shift.

  4. Extreme gravitational conditions, such Black Holes alter time but you couldn't survive under those conditions so you can't travel fast than time.

    If you could travel near the speed of light time for you would slow down compared so someone on earth.

    You could not travel for 1000 years, people don't live that long.

    Traveling at incredible high speeds slows down time for you but you can't reverse time or go back in time so Ufo's cannot come from the future.

    As far as we know.

  5. the real question is, what is time? time is not defined as a perfect measurement and our clock is just human invention, an idea to make us less insane and more in control of what is happening ( its what i think). you will age no matter what... everyday you grow older and eventually you'll die,... unless some super genius finds a way to be immortal.

    visit under THE TIME MACHINE... cool info, along with paradox

  6. dude you dont travel faster than time you travel at almost 99% the speed of light .only then do u experience a decrease in time flow

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