
If we all evolved from mokeys why are some of us still monkeys?

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Man I'd love to see the creation museum. I heard there are models of Adam and Eve riding saddle back on a triceratops. This is proof that with a little bit of money even a monkey can do what he sets out to do.




  1. According to creationists (or at least my understanding of some), dinosaurs did not exist, but their bones were created by the devil to fool us into believing evolution.  I think we can all assume that is wrong (but, hey, maybe the devil really did that to mess with us. the possibility is almost nil, but still there)

    Now, as for us being evolved from monkeys, that is also wrong. We are not from monkeys- we share a "common ancestor."  that does not mean a monkey, it means far before monkeys were monkeys and humans were humans, they were the same creature, there was a split, and one genetic line turned into monkey and one line turned into humans.

    If you want creationists to stop being stupid, then you aught to stop spouting stupidity that helps them in their stupidity.

  2. I'd love to see the creation museum too but I think it would be immoral to pay money to enter and thus encourage their shameful glorification of ignorance.

  3. Is this mokey business?  I like that word "mokey."  I had a cat named that once.

  4. we didnt evolve directly from monkeys it goes something like this (if i can remember back 10 yrs from college) monkeys , cavemen , cro magnans, and us theres more to it lemme find you a site

  5. My sister would tell you "we did not come from monkeys we are related to them" me i would go to the museum for a laugh. By the way we are all "monkeys" it just is how much you show it.

  6. This question appears about once a week.

    From the National Academy of Sciences:

    "If humans evolved from apes, why are there still apes?

         Humans did not evolve from modern apes, but humans and modern apes shared a common ancestor, a species that no longer exists. Because we share a recent common ancestor with chimpanzees and gorillas, we have many anatomical, genetic, biochemical, and even behavioral similarities with these African great apes. We are less similar to the Asian apes--orangutans and gibbons--and even less similar to monkeys, because we share common ancestors with these groups in the more distant past.

         Evolution is a branching or splitting process in which populations split off from one another and gradually become different. As the two groups become isolated from each other, they stop sharing genes, and eventually genetic differences increase until members of the groups can no longer interbreed. At this point, they have become separate species. Through time, these two species might give rise to new species, and so on through millennia. "

  7. other parts of the world, why are there different species of apes? chimps, orangs, monkeys..why are there different species? idiot.

    i don't have an answer, no scientist can prove, how could i?

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