
If we all stopped driving gasoline cars and using gasoline, would global warming cease?

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If we all stopped driving gasoline cars and using gasoline, would global warming cease?




  1. Maybe. The "global cooling" fad is coming back around, though. Get with it!

  2. No, it would not cease. It would certainly help though. Gasoline is only part of the reason. Fossil Fuels are also a large part of the problem. And the pullutants that large factories are giving off. But again this is only one part of the problem.

  3. No, transportation is only 30% of the problem, and that includes airlines, ships, diesel trains, as well as automobiles.

    Energy production such as coal-fired electrical plants represents 40% of the problem, which illustrates why the problem needs to be tackled on a national policy level as well as at the level of individual choices.

    Basically anywhere you can cut back helps, but a lot of the big moves will have to happen on a national and international basis.  Countries like China will have to be on board, but their average gas mileage is 35, so their main problem will be the 100 coal power plants they're building per year.

  4. No.  The warming and cooling of the Earth come in natural cycles.

    We can wish until the cows come home, but the Earth's climate is not.....and never has been.....static.  If the Earth is not is cooling.  I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.

  5. Melis, I think you deserve the truth. Global warming is fake. It's all natural, and humans have nothing to do with it.

  6. No.  Cars are only responsible for about one third of it.  Here's the real action plan for what we need to do:

  7. No, industries/powerplants still pump out more waste than cars, and cows disperse more methane than autos w/ their gas. Miscellaneous things such as farming, forest fires, and hospitals are combined the biggest contributer to CO pollution. Fuel burning in homes for furnaces/stoves are the leading contributer in NOX pollution.

    Driving electric vehicles instead of gas powered worldwide would greatly decrease Organic Gases (Volatile Organic Compounds - VOCs) in the atmosphere; however, because of all the other sources for pollution Global warming would not cease, but the growth rate would slow.  There is also an increase in De-forestation, reducing the allies available to cleanse the air.

  8. Probably! Along with a load of other things that would cease, as in 'cease up'!

    The next problem would be to get rid of all those sheep and cattle, who are literally farting us to oblivion!

  9. It gets more complicated than that because gasoline is refined oil.  The rest of it is used in other things; like the street you drive down and pull up into your driveway.  The color of every thing that has color is oil base, petroleum.  See, oil is used in everything for all kinds of things, not just gasoline.  

    So, no, if we stopped driving and using gasoline, hundreds of millions of cars would have been produced and would have no use if we stopped using gasoline and if we somehow came up with another plentiful substitute for gasoline, what would these people do with their oil they have gotten from the earth that has been protecting them from the heat from below; what, put it back?

  10. THE TRUTH:  If all human activity ceased tomorrow, global warming would continue on the same course it has since the last great Ice Age ended 10,000 years ago.

    In that time, the oceans have risen hundreds of feet, the glaciers have retreated thousands of miles... and we had nothing to do with it.

  11. It would only be a part of it, you'd have to shut down all power plants that aren't solar and all home heating that wasn't also solar or some other form of heat or power generating technology that doesn't involve burning anything.  Also you'd have to wait for the environment to cleanse itself of what's already there which has been estimated to take about 100 years.

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